Chapter 22: A good friend

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Anthony, Thu Jan 29th 2015

"Now you are both here because you have disrespected a Dominant of this club, though not in the same manner." Master Aiden states "For this, you will both present your excuses to said Dom and receive ten strikes with the paddle. Understood?"

I quickly answer "Yes, Master Aiden!" while I hear Zach respond "Yes, Daddy!"

"Go change in the Subs' room and come back here then."

"You are going to be alright!" Zach whispers to me, passing his arm around my shoulder while we scurry outside. His comfort is most welcome or I would have fallen to tears the minute the door was closed behind me. I still can't believe I fucked up like this, in front of everyone at the club. My Master must be so ashamed of me. On top of this, I apparently got Zach into trouble.

"Why are you being punished?" I ask him when we enter the Subs' room. It is currently empty, I guess everyone must be watching the show. Another thing I made my Master miss...

"For telling Trent he was a brute, a dumbass and a jerk," he quickly replies. "Which is the complete truth, but I should have phrased it differently, with him being a Dominant and everything. Pfff! Poor excuse of a Dom if you ask me! Perhaps I should also not have invited him to go roughly fuck himself. What pisses me off is the fact you are punished."

"What do you mean? I completely messed up!" I answer as we begin to strip down and dress back in our casual clothes.

"You didn't do anything on purpose! This Neanderthal triggered some bad memories and you reacted on instinct. That was awesome by the way!" he congratulates me. "Remind me to never mess with you if you can take care of a big pile of muscles like this." I'm not really in the mood for his praise, I'm too afraid of what my Master must think of me right now.

"I wish I hadn't, believe me," I answer. "This was my first night at the club and I completely screwed up. Our week trial comes to an end tomorrow night... What if he breaks up with me because I wasn't good enough? And everyone saw this, how am I going to be able to come back here?" I rant.

"Anthony calm down!" Zach replies, putting his hands on my shoulders. "First, from the way Ethan looks at you, I'm sure he will propose you a contract. He knows why you reacted like this, and that it isn't your fault! You should have seen the way he was looking at that big thug. Then, everybody in the club knows Trent. A lot of Subs complained about him and his aggressive ways, so they will all think you are some kind of hero. And during the incident, all the Doms that were watching were mostly looking concerned about you being in that state!"

This calms me a bit. I'm still sure everyone found me pitiful and pathetic but I don't want to contradict him.

"I'm sorry I got you in trouble," I say in a small voice instead.

"Don't worry about me, I would have found plenty of other reasons to insult that asshole, so I deserve that punishment. You on the other hand, don't. I swear I won't let Daddy take me for a week after this."

"But isn't that his choice? I mean with him being your Dominant and all?" I ask curiously.

"He knows better than to try anything when I'm pissed. I'll safeword if he does. And I hope you will do the same if one day Ethan begins to fuck you when you are not in the mood. We are submissives, not sex slaves!" he exclaims as we make our way back to Master Aiden's office.

"I'm not sure I'll ever not be in the mood for sex with him," I reply smiling. Then it hits me again that he might not want to have me as his submissive and I have to fight back tears. Zach notices it as we arrive in front of his Daddy's office.

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