Chapter 10: Think about it!

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Ethan, Wed Jan 21st 2015

When I wake up fifteen minutes before my alarm, I see my little angel snuggled on my side, his brown hair all disheveled, his left arm lying on my torso and his legs intertwined with mine. He still smells faintly of cigarette, but I can also sense his own odor which I find extremely nice. He is breathing in and out peacefully, with a soft smile on his lips, his face only showing calm and tranquility, which is a stark contrast to the facade he puts on when he is awake. I wonder what happened to him that could cause him to be so reserved.

Last night couldn't have gone better! Of course my brain shut up when I had this man all for myself, and my dick isn't very delicate. So instead of bringing up the subject subtly like Zach advised me to, I just crushed him with it. And I saw that his immediate reaction was terror: at that moment, it looked as if he was going to have a panic attack on the couch. I deeply cursed at myself, but the damage was done and I was sure he was going to leave. I still tried to soothe him as best I could. But then he surprised me by deciding to stay and trying to give me a bit of control. Again, subtlety isn't my cock's favorite word so I took all of it.

In my defense, he just looked so perfect on his knees, hands tied behind his back! Just thinking about this makes my little soldier come back to life. Mmm, the first blowjob was nice! I wasn't expecting him to take all of me on the first time, of course, especially since I know I am pretty gifted in that area, but his technique is definitely good. And then, when we got to my bedroom! I didn't need to correct his kneeling position, he did almost perfect on his own. God! When he seductively said I'm here to please you, Master! it took all my self-control not to bend him over the bed and fuck him senseless.

Training him will be a walk in the park, should he agree to become my submissive. Whatever it is that scared him yesterday, he definitely likes giving up control. I saw how his body relaxed each time I praised him so I made sure to give a lot of those reassuring comments during the whole evening, telling him how proud I was or how beautiful he was. The way he perfectly adopted the kneeling display position, or how meek and respectful his voice was, tells me he could strive into the lifestyle as a Sub.

Of course all these thoughts made me pretty hard, I hope someone will be in the mood to play a bit this morning, even if it's only with his hands. Speaking of which, my alarm will sound pretty soon, so I begin to peck his forehead and pet his hair to wake him up in a more pleasant manner. His moan does nothing to calm my erection. When he opens his gorgeous eyes, he looks confused for a moment, then smiles widely at me.

"Good morning... Master!" he whispers, adding the last word after a small pause. Oh boy! I hope he knows exactly what he is signing up for. Perhaps it would be best to warn him before going all Dom on him again.

"The first thing you should learn, Pet" I reply huskily, "is that you shouldn't start a fire that you are not ready to put out."

"I wouldn't have called you Master if I wasn't prepared to deal with the consequences," he replies. Well, so much for him not knowing what he is signing up for. If I had any doubts he didn't enjoy himself last night, they are now completely dispelled. And since he seems to want to reiterate the experience, he will get exactly that.

"Then get up, Pet, and go wait for me in the shower, kneeling." I order him. "The bathroom is the first door on the left when you go in the corridor," I add, since he doesn't know his way around my apartment yet.

I wait for a little bit, shut off my alarm then go join my little angel. He hasn't forgotten the position I taught him yesterday, as he is kneeling in the shower, legs wide open, hands closed behind his back and head lowered. This sight is just perfect! It looks like someone is very eager to please me, and I feel extremely lucky about this!

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