Chapter 8: Good advice

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Ethan, Sun Jan 18th 2015

I wake up in a very bright mood. Yesterday night was fun! The restaurant didn't disappoint this time again: my meal was almost as delicious as the young man with golden hazel eyes I shared it with. I shouldn't really think of him as young though, I am only one year older than him despite the appearances. I was a bit scared at first, when he didn't reply to my text all afternoon long. I was afraid he might have gotten cold feet and would ditch me! But he ended up replying, even if a bit late – a behavior he will have to correct in the future!

I learned a lot about him last night. I still can't believe he went to one of the top mathematical school in France, one where only the top forty students in the whole country are accepted each year. The guy is clearly a genius! And the passion with which he talked about math and his research! For once his body showed some signs of emotion instead of being just a cold shell.

Of course I couldn't resist teasing him, and I was rewarded with a beautiful blush. He looked so cute, embarrassed like this! Then, the way he was genuinely interested in my job impressed me. Most people just look at my paycheck and leave it at that, but he was extremely curious and asked a lot of pertinent questions. Clearly his smarts don't apply only to math, since he understood pretty well how everything works together in my company.

When dessert time arrived, I teased him a bit more, making him red in the face once again. I was pleasantly surprised that he played along, even if I imagined him to be a bit shyer. So we went back to his place in silence. I was inwardly debating about bringing up my lifestyle one way or another, but I eventually decided against it. I realized I really wanted this man, and I didn't want to scare him away. The memory of how I frightened him during our first meeting was still vivid in my mind. So for this one time, I would keep the Dominant side in me quiet.

I began to caress his beautiful face in the building, and, as soon, as we were in the privacy of his apartment, I kissed him. He tasted wonderful! Now that I was close, though, I could sense that his hair smelled a bit of tobacco. I usually hate that odor, but for some reason, it was sexy on him. He let me take full control of the kiss, which sent me into overdrive.

Soon, we were on his bed, and I was exploring his gorgeous body with my hands and my mouth. I was delighted to discover he has quite a bit of muscles behind his slender build. His pecs are quite hard, he doesn't have a six-pack, but his stomach is flat and you can definitely feel his abs when you pass your hands on his lower belly – trust me on this! Even his arms I had pinned above his head are quite strong. He isn't very hairy, which I like a lot; just a bit under his armpits and on his happy trail – apart from his arms and legs of course.

When I was done tasting every part of his body except the one pointing toward me, I stopped my teasing and gave him the best blowjob I could. Which he seemed to enjoy a lot, from the moans he was making. It didn't take a lot of time before I was tasting his salty cream. Almost sugary, someone has a healthy diet! What surprised me, though, was to find him soundly asleep just after that. Well that was definitely a first!

I watched him for a bit. He looked so peaceful and relaxed in his sleep, very different from the face he shows to the world outside. I shut up my cock, who was suggesting to jerk off here while looking at him. That would have been creepy! I tucked my little angel in, wrote him a note that I left in his living room and made my way home, with blue balls.

Of course, indulging myself in those memories has made me very hard, and I go in the shower to take care of that not-so-little problem. Once I'm dressed, I am a bit disappointed to find that Anthony hasn't tried to contact me yet. It's almost 10am! Since he went to sleep approximately twelve hours ago, he should be awake right now. I will definitely have to do something about his tardiness to answer my messages!

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