Chapter 51: Escape?

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Warning: This chapter contains mention of non-consensual sex.

This time it is only in the first part though, and trust me, you will want to read the second one. If you are not comfortable with the graphic description, just scroll down until you see summary (of course if you read the whole thing you can skip it). Then you can safely read what's after.

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Anthony, Sun Jun 28th 2015

It has been three days since I was abducted now. Apart from the first evening, it has been three days of perfect obedience, while observing everything and planning for my escape. I am now quite confident there are only three of us here: Bad Guy and the two guards. I know he keeps the key to my handcuffs in the pocket of his jeans. There is another with it that I hope opens the shackles around my ankles, but I can't be sure: they haven't been removed since I'm here. I haven't visited any new rooms in this house, my days are spent between the office, my room and the bathroom. I have absolutely no idea how large the building we are in is.

I don't feel as panicked as I used to now that I have seen what is expected of me. Blowing Bad Guy is still as disgusting as the first time, but it's not painful, and for now he has been gentle each time he fucked me. Now, the emotion that dominates my days is guilt. When I kiss him back, when I give him a blowjob, when I let him take me, when one of his caresses soothes me or even worse, when he manages to make me feel good. Not that that often happens thankfully, and it's only a tiny bit of pleasure when he sometimes brushes my prostate.

I have to get out soon because this culpability will soon eat me whole. Whatever the voice in my head is saying, I don't know how my Master will ever forgive me for all of this. I know I won't forgive myself: I just feel so soiled and dirty!

For now, I am shaving in the shower, under the watch of one of the guards. I feel so humiliated to have to bear with their lustful stares. Another reason to escape as soon as I can is that the two black-suited guys are ogling me more and more obviously, and I don't know for how long Bad Guy is going to keep them at bay. They haven't tried anything for now, but I am not sure it will last for very long.

Not yet, patience! The voice in my head tells me. It's true I could maybe overpower the brute standing in the doorway, but nothing is sure with those fetters at my feet, and I will only have one real chance. If I fail, it will be the belt all over again, and probably the two guards raping me like they wanted. The prospect of having to endure this sends a shiver in my back. Even if I am going to get fucked again by Bad Guy in a few minutes, I won't risk everything to fail miserably now.

So I don't use the opportunity given by my free hands to try to get out of this and I meekly shave my privates. Hair down there has been growing again, and Bad Guy didn't like the way it itched a bit. I don't really care about his comfort, but once again, I need to give the illusion of being tamed if I want him to relax his guard around me.

When I am done with my preparation and shower, the big guy attaches the handcuffs again and guides me toward a new room. I take a brief peek and notice it is elegantly furbished, with a massive king size bed in the middle of it. Since I am on my meekest behavior, I kneel in the center just as I hear the guard going out and closing the door with a heavy sigh. While I am alone, I look up a bit. This must be Bad Guy's bedroom I decide when I see his clothes discarded on the floor.

Soon after, I see him get out of what must be the adjacent bathroom, with only a towel around his waist, a disgusting tent pointing at me. I immediately lower my eyes, and just hear his footsteps coming toward me.

"You look all nice, cleanly shaved like this, little whore!" he says. Like every time he has called me bad names today, a new wave of guilt crashes over me. He is right of course. How could I let him do to me what he does so easily otherwise?

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