Chapter 13: The rules

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Anthony, Fri Jan 23rd 2015

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. It's been such a long time it didn't happen! That means I had a good night of sleep and that makes me super happy. I chuckle at the fact that I must be the only person in the world smiling foolishly at being awoken by such a shrieking noise.

The second thing I notice is the presence of another man in my bed. A very naked and sexy other man. I'm actually snuggling against his muscular chest. God he smells so good! As my brain wakes up bit by bit, memories of last night begin to flood in my mind.

I can't believe he showed up like this unannounced and caught me drunk! I can't believe I told him everything about my past either! The only other persons I have talked about it to are Paul and my therapist in France. I didn't even have the guts to tell Jonathan, Paul did it for me. I guess alcohol must have helped to loosen me yesterday. The most unbelievable thing however, is that after discovering all of this, he is still here, willing to be in a relationship with me. We even had sex last night! God the thought of his thick big member in my mouth makes me hard again. And I can't believe I got so much pleasure from a simple hand job after!

"Aren't you going to stop that thing?" a deep grumpy voice asks me. Oops! I was so lost in my thoughts it seems I forgot to turn off the alarm. It's not that early, only 6:30am, but I hurry up to shut the damn thing off. I don't want my soon-to-be Master to be mad at me already. Or maybe he will have changed his mind during the night. I shouldn't get my hopes up. He was probably feeling bad just after hearing my story and didn't want to leave me alone yesterday night.

"What are you thinking about?" the sexy beast asks me, stretching.


"We already had the talk about honesty," he sighs. "Don't lie to me!" He says the last sentence with his very deep commanding voice I can't resist.

"Sorry. Just that you have probably changed your mind," I blurt, blushing a bit. "You don't have to feel bad for me or anything, and I will understand if you just want to cancel tonight and never see me again."

God! Did I really just say that? That sounded so needy and pathetic. I wish there was some filter between my brain and my mouth. He locks his green eyes with mine but doesn't reply. Why isn't he answering? He really wants to break up with me, I decide. Not that there is much to break... well except my heart of course. I close my eyes when he opens his mouth and brace myself for what is coming next, not wanting to become a mess before him. I'll cry later when he is gone.

"Anthony, I didn't stay because I was feeling bad." Really? "Look at me!" he orders, with his dominant voice again. Is it weird that it makes my little soldier so happy? Of course I open my eyes. "I meant everything I said last night and I haven't changed my mind," he continues more warmly. "Now, since you were a bit intoxicated, do you remember what we said? What you agreed on?"

"Yes," I reply, blushing again. I wasn't that drunk when he arrived, and I sobered up almost instantly anyway. I am still mortified he saw me like that.

"And have you changed your mind?" he asks. I had made the decision before drinking too much in any case, so I won't backtrack on it. I will try to be his submissive for a week. I just hope I will be good enough.

"No Master, I haven't." I don't really know how I'm supposed to address him, so I'll go with Master for now. Besides, the last morning I did that, it led to pretty good shower sex and I've nothing against repeating the experience. From the way his eyes darken a bit, I think my hopes will be fulfilled!

"Kneel next to the bed!" he orders.

After he took once again complete control over my mouth and rewarded me with a fantastic blowjob, we go shower together. Washing him is so erotic that I get a new hard-on.

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