Chapter 27: Collared

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Ethan, Sat Feb 7th 2015

The last week has been amazing. I hadn't realized how much I missed life with a regular Sub. Especially when it is such a perfect boy like mine. He had a flawless behavior all week long. After his appointment with Aiden's mother, he admitted to me that he was initially a bit reluctant to see a therapist, because he thought it would be useless. But somehow, she managed to win him over in just an hour and he is thrilled to go back.

He didn't tell me too much about his appointment, just what he was comfortable with sharing. Apparently, she has given him a few exercises to do when he feels panicked or when he can't sleep. My Sub didn't go into the details, but he told me he managed to fall back asleep on his own twice this week when he had insomnia by following her advice. That's definitely a good beginning!

I also kept on introducing him to the various toys or kinds of restraints in the playroom this week, each of those sessions ending up with hot sex. He got a bit scared of the flogger the first time I used one, so I took it very easy on him, just giving him a few blows to show him how the sensation was more of a sting than real pain. That, of course, is as long as I don't use this instrument for punishment! I think he quite enjoyed it - he is so receptive to all forms of sensational play! - so I plan to go a bit further tonight. With any luck, we will finally be able to watch the show without any disturbance this time and I've prepared a simple scene with the Saint Andrew's cross in my mind.

But first, I will collar my beautiful angel! I placed an order with my usual jeweler on Monday, first thing in the morning, and I am very pleased he was able to complete it on time for tonight. It's a simple and very thin collar made of white gold, with a lock in the back and a small plate engraved with my name in the front. Of course I also put a GPS tracker inside since I'm a control freak. It won't be too tight around his neck, so he will be able to easily conceal it beneath his clothing when he works.

It's only been a few weeks, but I have never been so sure of my decision to collar a Sub. He is so very eager to please me: he has recently taken the habit of wearing nothing but boxer briefs in the flat since I like it so much and I must say I've never received that many blowjobs! I certainly won't complain since I've always been addicted to taking control over my Subs' mouths, but when my previous Subs always respectfully complained that I was sometimes asking for a bit too many heads, he only proposes more on his own. And with the training of the last weeks, he has become quite the professional! I love watching myself disappear in his mouth while he is looking at me so much...

Just picturing this in my mind makes me harden again, but I'll try to keep those thoughts for later since we are in the car on our way to the Blue Hedonism. My boy doesn't know the surprise I have planned for him! On top of my usual friends and Keith, I invited his friend Paul and his Sub to attend his collaring. It took quite a bit of convincing: Paul was a bit reluctant at first, but the idea of missing such an important moment in his friend's life or the one of mending fences with Anthony eventually won him over. Aiden promised me he didn't speak a word of this to his crazy Sub, and William was very eager to invite Keith for the night, who accepted at once. Nobody should ruin the surprise for my cute angel!

Said angel quickly scurries off with Zach when we arrive. We are very early, like last Saturday, because my boy hasn't been able to see his newfound friend throughout the week and wanted some time alone with him. Aiden also has a new Sub to certify, so I'll help him with that before dinner. The Sub in question just moved from Chicago where he attended a similar club called the Black Diamond. It is managed by a friend of Aiden's, who recommended the boy we test, and it doesn't surprise me to see that he is very well trained. The two Master Doms share the same views on BDSM and administer their clubs in quite the same way.

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