Chapter 11: Discoveries

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Anthony, Wed Jan 21st 2015

"I'm telling you he is wearing the same outfit as yesterday."

"Oh gosh! Do you think he had sex last night?"

"Duuuuuh! Did you look at him? It's practically written on his face!"

These two teenage girls are completely lost into their not-so-whispered conversation, instead of paying attention to what I'm saying. I'm not really in the mood to scold them, given the fact that I'm not even paying attention to my own lecture. My thoughts are completely lost on what happened last night and this morning.

Now that my Sexy Master isn't near me anymore, my dick has more or less shut up, and my brain can resume his normal activity. I still don't understand why I liked it so much. There is just no reasonable explanation. I can't put a foot inside a nightclub or enter a contact into my phone because of what happened back in France, but I have no problem being face-fucked by him with my hands tied behind my back. This does not make any sense! And I didn't even flinch when he completely tied and blinded me last night.

I can't deny I have always been attracted to muscular men with a sort of dominant aura - like Jonathan for instance - but between this and kneeling in front of them to obey their every command, there is a world! For some reason however, I deeply enjoyed it. And not only sexually: being offered to him while he took control just felt so right! That's why I asked for more this morning, and I wasn't disappointed. The way he deep-throated me in the shower was so hot I came almost instantly when he began to stroke me.

Okay let's not think about that anymore or my students will talk about my hard-on next. The bottom line is that he showed me sexual desires I didn't even know I had. There is no point in trying to rationalize them. If my sexual needs obeyed any logic I would be straight, that would have made my life easier. I can only take note on them, and try to fulfill them.

What bothers me right now, is the fact that I haven't received any texts from my Sexy Master - I like the idea of calling him that in my head. Maybe I wasn't good enough. It would only be logical, given my lack of experience in the past few years. He on the other way.... no, we said to stop thinking about that orgasm earlier remember?

Oh God! On top of everything else, the last class of the day features a smaller replica of the object of my fantasies! The younger Mr. Wells. I start to panic as the students fill the classroom. What if his brother bragged about last night? What if Luke is already telling all his classmates how their math teacher enjoy a good face-fucking? What if his brother took pictures while I was blindfolded? This cannot happen again!

All these thoughts leave me on the verge of another anxiety attack. My hands are strongly gripping the side of the desk, so that nobody can see them shaking, while I slowly try to breathe in and out through my nose. My Sexy Master wouldn't do that, I try to reason with myself. For some reason I already trust him deeply. But another part of my brain keeps doubting this and fuels my paranoia.

I only manage to calm down when I see Luke Wells enter the classroom. Instead of the smirk I would have seen on his face if he knew, there he only looks embarrassed and subdued. I let out a long sigh before beginning the class. I still make sure to walk near him at some point to check he doesn't smell like pot and be sure there is no new bruises visible, which is indeed not the case. The rest of my lesson goes well, fortunately it doesn't require any kind of focus, because I don't seem to be able to concentrate on anything else than a certain green-eyed man.

That still doesn't explain why my Sexy Master hasn't sent any texts today. As I leave the high school, this is all I can think about. Should I try to write something to him? No that would look clingy, and I haven't even opened the book he gave me yet. I am saving that for when I'm home, I'll begin it before going to the dojo. I'm going over last night in my head all over again, and try to find what I could have done to displease him, but he really seemed to enjoy himself. Ugh! What did I do wrong? Can I still make up for it?

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