Chapter 49: Fighting through submission

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Warning: This chapter contains mention of non-consensual sex.

This chapter is not as tough as 47 but like before, if  you'd rather skip it, or if at any point you are too  uncomfortable reading, I understand and I have put a small  summary at the end so that you can go on with the story. You can choose  to read it first and see if you feel like reading the whole thing after.

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Anthony, Fri Jun 26th 2015

Something is wrong, I say to myself when I wake up. This is not my usual bed and my hands are tied behind my back... and God! My back hurts like hell! As the fog in my mind begins to dissipate, the events that unfolded yesterday play back into my mind. The abduction. The whipping. The rape. Can I really call it a rape when I submitted to him? When I begged him to prep him? When I faked moans because he asked me to? At the same time, shame, guilt and panic assail me in huge waves that leave me nauseous, crying and trembling.

Calm down Pet! I hear the booming voice of my Master say, full of command. And just like that my body relaxes a bit. I had almost forgotten I'm hearing voices now. Or just one voice. Given my present condition, I'm not going to complain of this extra help to manage my emotions. I take deep breathes for a few minutes to try to fully calm myself, then I assess my situation

I'm glad I have a strong stomach and didn't vomit on the floor, God knows how my captor would have reacted to that! As far as I know we are in a house somewhere, with Bad Guy and at least one of the guys in a black suit who helped him to kidnap me. I assume the other one must be there as well, but I hope there are not more of them or it might get really hard to escape.

I stand by what I decided last night: I will pretend to perfectly submit to him and obey his orders for now. He will probably fuck me more, and I'm sure he will make me blow him as well. God I hope he is not into some disgusting stuff! Or that he won't let the other guys 'play' with me! Panic hits me again as a lot of what-ifs form in my mind. This guy isn't a Dominant. He doesn't have any training, he won't react to my safewords! I begin to hyperventilate when I realize how many wrong things could happen!

Don't think about all of this now, Pet! You will endure what you have to until you can escape! This time the voice is soft and gentle. Escape. That must be the main focus on my mind for the following days. I won't obey his whims and betray my Master just to avoid Bad Guy's punishments. No, the plan is to be as meek as possible until he is stupid enough to untie me completely or his watch slips in any way. I will bide my time until the perfect opportunity presents itself and escape.

I'm interrupted in my thoughts when the door of my room opens and one of the guards in a black suit enters. He doesn't say anything just detaches the chain connecting the fetters around my ankles and leaves a small plate on the floor before going out of the room and closing the door again. At least he leaves the light on!

There is a small triangle sandwich in the plate and despite my lack of hunger and nausea, I know I have to eat if I want to be strong enough to escape. The only problem is that my hands are still tied behind my back... I sigh before kneeling on the floor and eating the disgusting thing like a dog. Thank God nobody is here to watch this other humiliation! But I can't let them starve me! All I think about during the time I eat, crawling, is how I will get out of this hell.

When I am done, I sit on the bed and wait for what will come next. It is quite difficult to completely clear my mind and relax, but I still manage to calm a bit by reciting my proof in my head. Then the same man opens the door again. I blush when I see his eyes linger on my naked body, but I can't do anything against that. Then my embarrassment turns into fear when I see some lust in his eyes. Please don't tell me I'll have to entertain the whole bunch of them!

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