Chapter 48: Get a grip on yourself!

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Ethan, Fri Jun 26th 2015

I feel so empty. I haven't been able to think about anything else than my missing boy since yesterday, when I discovered he was captured. I have barely slept a few hours. I can't eat. I can't focus. I can't work. When Zach and Aiden got out of their room later in the morning, Zach with red puffy eyes, they didn't seem in better shape than myself. They went back to their place after a quick breakfast, Aiden pulling me in a tight hug and ordering me to be strong, while his Baby just wished me good luck in a sad broken voice.

Tanner called me to detail how he managed to start an official investigation, which means that Anthony is now in the missing persons database. His picture has been distributed to check he is not in a nearby hospital or – God forbids! – a morgue. Otherwise, he sent some of Glenn's trusted men to try and find persons who could better describe the guys in black suits that took him away from Central Park. Sadly he can't wait for policemen to do this on a small case like this. It's a bit far-stretched anyway, since most people who witnessed it are probably far away now. In the meantime he is investigating the whereabouts of my father's men with the help of Glenn and his not-too-legal contacts to find out where my boy could be detained.

I wish I could help more but for one, Tanner won't let me, then, I wouldn't even know what to do since I don't seem to be able to concentrate on anything. I feel so helpless I can't seem to do anything but arranging things in the flat precisely and neatly. I keep picturing scenarios all worse than the other, alternating between anger and sadness. Besides, the certainty I have that my father is behind all of this prevents me from having any coherent idea on a lead. Deep inside I'm hoping Anthony is still alive. I try not to let my imagination run wild as to what he must endure... Poor boy must be so scared!

Aiden sent me a text to remind me to eat something for lunch, but I'm just not hungry. Once I manage to motivate myself to go in the kitchen, I just rearrange the contents of the cupboards, cooking something is just out of the question.

My phone vibrates again, with the ping saying I received a new text. Probably my friend telling me if I don't reply he is going to come over and kick my ass. I don't even have the energy to reach for the device in the living room to look at it. Besides I can't leave the kitchen without reorganizing the mess. Tanner would have called if it was important. If it's not Aiden it's probably something work-related and I can't deal with that right now. I just feel too numb.

It's only when I have tidied everything that I head in the next room and take a peek at the screen of my phone. Strange, the message comes from a number that isn't in my contacts! So much for Aiden or work then... Until it hits me it could be from one of the captors! I instantly sit down and unlock my device with shaking hands to look at the message.

It is a good thing I didn't hold my phone in my hand but had left it laying on the coffee table or it would have flown on the other side of the living room. Instead, my fist connects with the wooden piece of furniture, leaving a big crack. Fuck! That hurt! While I massage my hand hoping I didn't break any of my knuckles, I keep on staring at the message I received.

It is a picture of Anthony naked, on his knees, with a dick in his mouth. The photograph is taken by the person being sucked, my boy is between his legs, looking at the camera. It is sent with the following text in French: "Your bitch is mine now! You trained him well."

This starts a new fire inside my head and rage like I never felt before consumes me. My angel's back wears multiple belt marks, his hands are tied behind his back. How dare they hurt him like this! How dare they abuse him! When I get a hold of the man responsible for this I am going to slowly torture him to death. And teach him the hard way how it feels to be abused!

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