Chapter 41: An air of déjà vu

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Anthony, Thu Jun 11th 2015

Two weeks. Two weeks since my brother-in-law, or, as I prefer to call him, the evil rascal, has moved in with us. He is constantly teasing me, to the point I am completely fed up with him. And of course his presence makes it difficult for my Master and I to live our relationship like we used to and I am deeply missing that. Even if the little devil knows almost everything, we try to be discreet. Thank God the playroom is completely soundproofed, it gives us at least one place where we can enjoy our lifestyle. We made good use of it the first night Luke came home.

"Great! Don't mind me, you can both go to your playroom and have crazy kinky sex all night long!" were his first words, making me pale and panic. What exactly had my Master told him? I needed to know that before anything else.

"May I have a word, Ethan?" I asked in an icy cold tone. It felt extremely weird to call him that way, but I didn't want to add to whatever it was the brat already knew, the fact I was calling his brother my Master. God please make him hold his tongue at school!

"You promised to play nice," my Master growled at his brother. "We'll be back in a moment!" he added before guiding me to the playroom.

"I had to explain to him a few things, Pet," he said as soon as we were inside, the door closed and locked. "He was getting the wrong idea after what he saw and apparently teenagers read crazy things nowadays."

"May I know what you told him then, Master?" I replied coldly.

"Just a bit about the power exchange... me liking to be in control... you liking to submit..." he told me awkwardly. "And I may or may not have shown him this room."

He did what? I couldn't believe he went as far as showing him this! What must my student have thought? I was boiling inwardly but I had to watch out what I was going to say, otherwise he would use my disrespect as an excuse to spank me and forget about the problem, like he always does.

"I was under the impression we had signed a non-disclosure agreement that required you to get my approval before sharing so much information, Master." My voice was still extremely cold, and I punctuated my speech with sharp nudges of my right index finger onto his chest.

"I'm sorry, Pet, but I had to explain..." he answered a bit contrite.

We kept on fighting for a while, and I am pretty proud to say I held my ground without showing him any lack of respect. It led to many more apologies, but my Master didn't stay remorseful for long. As our verbal brawl continued, his eyes darkened to get the lustful shade I knew so much.

"Shit! You're so sexy when you're angry like this, Pet!" he exclaimed. "Please, can I fuck you roughly?" I became hard instantly, but there was no reason to make it easy for him.

"When I have been a bad boy, I'm not allowed to come, Master," I teased. "Why should it be any different for you?"

"I don't think you realize how much I want to throw you on the bed and thrust hard into you when you talk to me like that, Pet," he replied, pushing me against the wall and pinning my hands on top of my head, before he took my mouth in a violent kiss.

"I'll make you a deal," he whispered just after. "I'll put a cock ring on me and you will decide when I've begged and apologized enough to remove it and let me get my release. In exchange I'll do whatever I want with you."

"Deal!" I answered, forgetting to breathe. I couldn't believe he would relinquish that to me!

"Get naked and over the bench, then!" he ordered.

That led to the roughest make-up sex we ever had. I got to come twice while he was pounding into me like a wild animal. Then he apologized a thousand times, making sweet love to me on the bed, before I got on my knees and made him beg for his release. When I finally removed the ring he had put earlier at the base of his cock, I was rewarded by endless spurts of cum. I don't think I ever saw my Master come so violently, or scream his pleasure so loudly. His thighs were trembling and I really thought he was going to fall on the floor.

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