Chapter 16: A new friend

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Anthony, Sat Jan 24th 2015

I'm very uncomfortable in the elevator. I don't like to meet new people in general, and this Zach seems a bit too intense for me. He is still holding my arm. I don't like new people touching me. I had to control my instinctive reaction and not throw him on the floor with an aikido technique when he grabbed me. That's how much I don't like it. On top of that, he is staring at me. I don't like new people staring at me.

Maybe agreeing to this meeting was a bad idea. I know what I want and we were doing perfectly fine with my Sexy Master today. I loved every minute of his training, all his praises made me feel so good, it's beyond words. Or reason. At the top of my most-wanted-things list, there used to be no more nightmares in number one, solving my math problem in number two, and getting laid in number three. Now there is pleasing my Master and getting a compliment at the very top. Getting laid may or may not have been moved a bit up the list as well, as long as it's with him of course. Like I thought, my feelings for him are rapidly growing, only intensified by the Dom/Sub aspect of our relationship.

But I'm getting off track. Meeting another submissive seemed like a good idea at first, but now I don't really see the point. Especially with shallow blondie guy right there. I mean, seriously! He may be older than my students, but he seems to have the same degree of maturity. How are we even going to have an adult conversation?

"I can almost hear your train of thoughts you know," he says as we exit the lift. He pauses and looks at me with intense blue eyes. Now that I'm properly looking, they definitely don't look so superficial. On the contrary, they look older, like they have already seen too much in very little time. "I don't judge you for hiding behind this frigid bitch appearance, so I would appreciate if you don't judge me for hiding behind my craziness and exuberance." And with that he walks out the door of the building, leaving me dumbfounded.

"You coming or what?" he asks. Never judge a book by his cover, I say to myself, as I walk toward him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to look frigidly bitchy," I say outside. "I'm just not comfortable meeting new people."

"Tell me something I didn't already guess!" he smiles.

"In that case you will have to tell me what you guessed," I tease.

"Let me see," he begins, speaking very quickly. "Something terrible happened to you. I don't what yet, but there was a very humiliating part. You are very self-conscious about what others think about you. That's why you hide behind this disguise of Mr. I'm-perfect-but -something-crawled-up-my-ass-and-died. You always do what others expect you to do. We already covered the part where you don't like to meet new people. Oh, and you are completely smitten with Ethan."

Is this guy for real? To say I thought he was just a shallow fairy. Or perhaps Ethan told him things about me. Yeah that must be it. There is no way someone could see that much after meeting another person for five minutes. Gosh! How much did Ethan tell him?

"I see that Ethan has spoken a lot about me," I say bitterly.

"Not that much," he replies, still very quickly. He is like a ball of electricity, incapable of speaking slowly. Or staying still, for that matter. "He just described your first date to Daddy and me." Wait, my Sexy Master shared our first day with him and his dad? I'm confused.

"Daddy?" I ask

"My Master, if you prefer. But to me, he is Daddy." Okay, that makes more sense. Or not. I don't really understand this Daddy thing, but perhaps he is older. Though I remember Ethan saying he was his best friend. Most of all, how did he manage to intuit so much in so little time?

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