Chapter 52: Investigating

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Tanner, Sun Jun 28th 2015

This investigation is almost too easy. The person responsible for Anthony's abduction was pretty obvious from the start, but I thought Ethan's father would be a far better opponent. Having almost limitless resources doesn't get you everywhere apparently. His mistake was to get too personal. If he wanted to get rid of the boy, he should have hired a professional to get him killed; I'm sure he knows how to contact guys like that. But no! He had to dig up his former rapist and put the poor math teacher in his hold.

The sadist in me appreciates the beauty of it, of course. Just thinking about the way the Sub must have panicked sends goosebumps in my arms. I can picture the fear in his eyes, how he pleaded, begged when he was whipped, how he finally yielded to his captor and complied with all his demands. This is enough to make me painfully hard. Abducting a boy and taming him into an obedient sex slave is one of my deepest fantasy.

Like that angel with his perfect voice! I think to myself remembering the concert I went to last Saturday night. Focus Tanner, focus! You can't be distracted right now!

Unlike Ethan's father or that rapist, I have control over my urges. I channel them in a safe and consensual environment through the BDSM lifestyle, with the most hardcore masochists I can find. This pales in comparison to what my twisted – some would say evil – mind craves, but it does the trick. Barely. I have lost count of the number of times I almost kidnapped a boy with angel-like features, to abuse his body; or captured some of the monsters I have chased over the years, to slowly torture them before eventually killing them; or strangled one of the Subs I was fucking, to see the life disappear out of him.

Every time though, I managed to stop myself. It has become easier and easier with time. I have had to fight a lot for it, but I am in control of this dark side of me. That's why I have no pity for the people who aren't. Like Ethan's father who sloppily gave Anthony to his former abuser, just to get revenge against the poor boy who married his son. Or this Martin Lécuyer, who cannot keep his dick into his pants. The fact he managed to rape a dozen boys in this nightclub before getting arrested is still beyond my understanding since he was so careless about it.

Anyway those little mistakes are the reason why I am here, in front of the mansion where Anthony is being held against his will, just three days after his abduction. But let's take a step back.

The kidnapping in itself was flawlessly executed. Waiting for the boy to be in a recluse spot of Central Park before drugging him, then making it appear as if they were going to give him medical attention while they were running away with their target was just brilliant. The abductors were nondescript security guys, so it was obvious we would never identify them. The only lead was the fact they somehow knew about the tracker device in Anthony's collar.

So naturally someone at the club had been feeding them information. I will have to find who, because this part of the investigation is still ongoing. At first I thought that Trent – the poor excuse of a Dom Anthony had humiliated a few months ago – was responsible but I cleared him out quickly. Of course, Aiden happily helped by giving me access to all the members and their criminal background, but none of them fitted the profile.

I thought I would have to personally investigate each Sub and Dom to find the mole, but then, a miracle happened. The abductor sent a picture of himself with Anthony. I had honestly thought the poor boy was already dead and that we would never find the body. That would have been the most logical choice in Ethan's father's head – and it could still happen at any time, should he discover how close I am to the truth. But no, he made the mistake to give him to this Martin.

That guy has serious ego issues. Honestly I cannot phantom what could push him to jeopardize their whole operation and send us such precious pieces of information! All of it so he could brag in front of Ethan? The guy is clearly a pitiful excuse of a human being. The first picture was so similar to Anthony's traumatic experience before that I compared the picture with the photograph that was shown everywhere at the French high school, and I wasn't surprised to find out it was the exact same guy.

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