Chapter 32: A threesome

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Anthony, Tue Mar 3rd 2015

Number of Ethan - 7:37 "I won't be home for dinner, Pet, so don't wait for me to eat. I expect to be there at 9pm, be prepared and wait for me in your usual spot in the living room."

Of course, when I received this text, I hurried to eat some leftovers in the fridge and quickly prepped in the shower. After doing this for more than a month, it has become a kind of routine for me now. God! I can't believe it's almost been six weeks since the last time I drank myself to sleep and that it will soon be a month since I quitted smoking. For once I don't need my Master's soothing words, I feel pretty proud of myself! It's all thanks to his help, of course, but I did all the hard work after all.

Things are also getting better with Paul. Even if we don't talk much at the club for obvious reasons, he sees how important the lifestyle is to me now. We had a night out, with him, his Sub and our friend Jonathan after the time at the restaurant with my Master. Since Jonathan was late, it was a good opportunity to talk a bit about the lifestyle and my relationship with my Master. Paul being Paul, he made sure I had only alcohol-free drinks. He took really hard the fact I hid this addiction to him for a couple of years.

My Master took the time to catch up with his brother Luke that night. I'm impressed at how well he managed to get back on his feet since January! I haven't caught him high in class since that day and his grades are just perfect! I know my Master is having him watched, so we know he hasn't slipped into his bad habits outside of school either. From the little I saw, a girl may very well be having a good influence on him. I don't know if he told his big brother since my Master made no comment on it. I didn't mention the fact I saw them kiss several times in this or that corridor. After all he is entitled to a bit of privacy and I don't want him to know I'm in a relationship with his brother.

What is the most unbelievable though, is that my Master loves me. Since the first time he said it to me a bit more than two weeks ago, he has reminded me each day, several times, of his feelings for me. This is just incredibly amazing! Perhaps he won't tire so easily of me in the end. Then there was this day he admitted I was the first person he has loved in his entire life. I felt so unique and cherished! I had to confess he wasn't my first love, but the intensity of my feelings for him is way stronger than the ones I had for any other person before. Needless to say that even if it was still a bit hard with me quitting smoking, I have never been happier than in the last weeks.

Sex is probably one of the reasons. My Master never lacks imagination - or stamina - in this domain. By testing more and more my limits, he also made me experience stronger orgasms. Yes, apparently it was possible! Then there was this night at the club where we almost had a foursome with Zach and Master Aiden, I swear this was the hottest thing I ever did. Of course my friend is now asking for a rematch at every possible occasion! I wouldn't have anything against it but my Master thinks otherwise.

I thought that after this, it would be easy to convince my Master to have the threesome I have wanted so much, but I almost got myself into trouble after mentioning it time and time again. I am now forbidden to broach that subject, so I won't do it again. But I wish he was able to see how strongly I desire it. This doesn't mean I don't really love him and just want to lay with other men. It's just a deep fantasy of mine. I have complied about all his requests, this time he could be the one giving in!

I'm interrupted in this train of thoughts when I hear the main door opening. I'm waiting like he wanted me to. I just decided to surprise him a bit by waiting naked instead of in my underwear, like I sometimes do, and I'm already hard and leaking as I try to imagine what he is going to do to me tonight.

"So eager!" I hear my Master chuckle, which makes me smile. This is the moment I realize I hear a second pair of footsteps. My first reaction is to panic at the prospect of being there, nude and exposed, in front of a stranger. Then, after a few deep breaths, I manage to calm down, thanks to the position I am in. My Master would never humiliate me in any way, and if he brought someone home with him and let him see me naked like this, it must mean he finally yielded and that I am finally going to get what I want. My cock twitches several time as I realize this. God, now I wonder who is accompanying him! I know better than to peek up though, especially since I must be on my best behavior in front of the second Dom.

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