Chapter 35: A kinky contest

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Anthony, Sat Mar 14th 2015

How could I have been so stupid? I think to myself in the car while we are on our way to Master Aiden and Zach's loft. I still have trouble grasping how I could be talked into this by my crazy friend. If I had taken one minute to think about it, I would have remembered that my Master had used the exact same thing I did to myself as a punishment before. So instead of making him yield with my pitiful attempt at a sex strike, I made myself go completely crazy. God, I'm such a perverted sex-addict!

Thinking back about the moment I discovered he had listened to my phone conversation with Zach sends shivers down my spine. I had rarely seen him so angry! Of course this was all my fault, and for once, I had deliberately chosen to do something foolish and to disobey the rules. The last times I messed up, I at least had the excuse of anger or yielding to one of my addiction. This time though, I could only blame my idiocy. I'll think twice about it next time Zach comes up with a crazy plan like this.

I was expecting to be into deep trouble but my Master was surprisingly easy on me. He said I had already punished myself enough for the moment and that he would only add one last part, today, at my friend's place. It's probably going to be in front of him... God! That's so embarrassing! But I brought this onto myself, so I will bear with whatever my Master sees fit. He made me prepare before going, so I think at least part of it will be related to sex.

Of course I made sure to be on my best behavior on Thursday evening and yesterday night. We didn't go to the club but enjoyed very hot sessions in the playroom. I start blushing when I think about my return home yesterday afternoon. There was a package on the table with a note for my attention kindly ordering me to shove its content up my ass. This was a vibrator egg that my Master could remotely control with an app on his phone, and he played with it for the next four freaking hours.

That was just the beginning of it since only good boys get to come and I had been rather naughty, hadn't I? He kept on teasing me all evening long while getting his usual blowjobs and only let me reach my release at the end of the night after he fucked me senseless. But what an orgasm it was! It made all the sweet torture before worth the wait!

"When we arrive at the loft, I expect you to remain on your best behavior, Pet," my Master tells me in his usual business tone as we drive over the Brooklyn Bridge. "You know Aiden is my best friend, be sure to make me proud. As I said earlier, you will be punished there, and you know exactly why. You completely deserve what you are going to get and then some." That makes me dread whatever he has planned!

"Yes, Master," I reply meekly.

"Don't hesitate to use your safewords as well, if you have to," he adds more gently. "Aiden knows them as well as all your limits."

The rest of the drive is silent and we soon reach the loft. I am a bit surprised not to be welcomed by Zach when we arrive. Aiden is there however, in his usual club outfit: bare-chested, leather pants and commando boots. He is definitely the second sexiest man in the world! I say to myself as my eyes linger on his perfect torso with the military tags hanging around his neck and the tattoo of a blue Phoenix on his left pectoral. Now I definitely wonder what my punishment will be.

"The other naughty boy!" he greets us joyfully. "The playroom is the door on the right," he says showing me a door at the other end of the huge living room. "Go there, strip and kneel in the center," he orders in his deep dominant voice. "No need to speak to Zach, he won't be able to answer!" he adds with a chuckle.

Oh God! What have we gotten ourselves into? I follow his directions and go into the playroom. My eyes almost go out of their sockets when I see a very naked Zach tied on the Saint Andrew's cross, facing me, a ball-gag in this mouth, as I enter. His shaft is very hard and dripping on the floor, the tip almost purple. At its base, I can see a leather cock ring has been tied. My poor friend seems to have been edged for a very long time and I can hear the small buzzing of a vibrator that must continue the teasing in his butt. He looks as dumbfounded as I am to see me here!

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