Chapter 31: Progress

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Ethan, Sat Feb 14th 2015

Today is the day, I say to myself for the umpteenth time. Since my little epiphany on Wednesday night, I have been completely sure of the love I have for my boy. I have never felt like this toward another person before. When I realized Valentine's Day was approaching, I couldn't resist waiting for today to tell him those three little words. I decided I was going to surprise him with the best declaration ever. Only problem? It is already 4pm and I haven't come up with any good idea, I admit I'm not the most romantic person... I immediately ruled out anything too extravagant because it's not really my way of doing things and I'm sure Anthony would prefer something more intimate.

It's freezing cold outside so I can forget about my initial plan to go for a walk in Central Park or ice skating at one of the open rings in the city. Too bad because that would have been just perfect! Then I thought about going somewhere for a romantic lunch but of course every place I looked at was fully booked. I certainly won't wait for tonight at the club, that wouldn't be the right place for this. So it looks like there won't be anything fancy in my declaration after all and that I will just do that here at my place.

At least I arranged for flowers to be delivered to the apartment. They were meant to be there this morning, but of course they were delayed because of the exceptionally high demand today. Seriously! Didn't they anticipate a surge of orders on Valentine's Day? Now I'm not even sure we will get them before going to the club.

Screw this, I finally say to myself as I grab my coat. I'll go outside and just buy him another bouquet! My boy is busy working on his research in the office I have furbished for him in place of his room, with his headphones on. I just write a note to tell him I went on an errand and will be back quickly, in case he looks for me. More probably, he won't even notice I went outside, too absorbed in what he is doing.

Of course the prices of the flowers have all been doubled or tripled today, but I don't really care. I finally manage to buy a dozen red roses - the first two shops I visited being out of them and quickly go back to my place. As I thought, my sweet angel is still in his office and my note lays undisturbed on the table of the living room. I take a moment to ogle his cute little ass - as always, he is only wearing boxer briefs in the flat - and to stare at my collar around his neck. He doesn't hear me enter his room, so he jumps, a bit startled when I put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Master, you surprised me," he says, removing his headphones. "Is it time to go to the club already?"

"Not quite, Pet," I reply handing him the small bunch of flowers. "I had ordered a nicer one but it seems it won't be delivered today. So I went to buy these for you."

"For me?" he exclaims, completely amazed. "Why?" Is he that oblivious to the celebration? All the shops are swamped with pink decorations and hearts it's almost sickening so I don't see how he could miss that.

"What's the day today?" I reply amused.

"February 14th, Master," he answers automatically. Then realization suddenly hits him and he begins to blush. "Oh shi...oot! I'm so sorry Master, I didn't get you anything!"

"It's alright Pet, you didn't have to," I comfort him. It's really cute how he naturally corrects his language without me having to scold him - though he never swears much.

"Thank you Master, those are gorgeous!" he beams. His smile lightens his face completely, making him even more beautiful.

Now is the time to tell him, I say to myself. But the words are stuck at the back of my throat and I suddenly become very nervous: my palms are getting sweatier, I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. Come on, big Dom, what are you afraid of? He already told me he didn't want our relationship to be only a Submissive/Dominant one. Worst case scenario, he won't say it back now and I'll just have to work a bit harder at making him fall for me.

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