Chapter 9: Giving up control

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Anthony, Tue Jan 20th 2015

I have been on cloud nine for the last few days. After a quiet Sunday, I went to Paul's place yesterday for lunch and we were joined by Jonathan. None of us were working since it was Martin Luther King Jr. day. Of course Paul immediately blabbed everything that had happened, so he and Jon spent the whole meal as well as the better part of the afternoon teasing me. As if I didn't feel bad enough to have fallen asleep like this after Ethan gave me such a wonderful blowjob!

Ethan started texting me on Sunday night, and we have already exchanged a lot. It's much easier to talk to him like this! I was a bit stressed before tonight's dinner, but it went extremely well - apart from that awkward moment when he asked me why I moved here. Perhaps I should have told him, but I can't help thinking that he would reject me if he knew. It is completely irrational, but I still feel used and dirty.

When we went outside, he kissed me senseless again. God it was as good as I remembered it from last Saturday! Of course that was after he sniffed me to see if I still smelled like cigarette. I think he is going to be a pain in my neck about smoking! In any case, he will tire of me soon enough, so I can make an effort for the time being. Then he proposed to go back to his place. Since we are headed toward the park, it appears my sexy god leaves in the rich part of the neighborhood.

"Do you have one of those extravagant apartments with a view over the park?" I ask him. Even though the silence in which we walked wasn't uncomfortable, I would rather talk with him.

"I'm not sure if you could call it extravagant, but I do have a nice view," he tells me. "Of course, for tonight, I think I will prefer another kind of view," he adds, pointedly looking at me. I like when he flirts heavily with me like this. Of course I can't help my embarrassment, and I don't always have the smartest comebacks, but it's very nice to feel wanted.

I follow him into his building. Definitely extravagant. The receptionist greets him with a "Good evening Mr. Wells." I'm sure there is a gym and a swimming pool. I don't get to ask though, since when we enter the elevator, Ethan kisses me once more. I'm still not used to the reaction my body has to his kissing, making me weak in the knees.

When we arrive at his flat, I don't even have time to take in the view over the park at the other end of the living room that he has me pinned down against the wall and begins to assault my mouth again. I immediately give him access, letting him take control of a long and languorous kiss. He then lightly nibbles my right earlobe and softly pecks my neck while his hands make their way to my buttocks, and I can't help the moan that escapes my lips.

"Such a beautiful sound!" he whispers in my ear. He removes his coat, takes mine and tidies them in a closet, before kissing me a second time. My little soldier is now fully alive and I can definitely feel his erection against my abdomen. As his hands leave my back to open my belt, I decide to break the kiss. At this rate, things are going to end up like three days ago, and as pleasurable as the experience was, I have to make up for it; I decided that tonight, I will be the one pleasuring him. His green eyes are locked with mine, with a mix of lust, amusement and confusion.

"Let me take care of you this time," I whisper, trying to muster as much steadiness and seduction as I can. I hope he doesn't pick on how nervous I am! He continues to stare at me for a few seconds before letting out a heavy sigh.

"I guess we need to talk then," he finally says while walking towards one of the couches. I look at him more confused than ever, and it's only when he taps the space on his side that I remember how to make my legs work and follow him.

"What is there to talk about?" I ask, sitting to his left. Since when do you interrupt foreplay to have a meaningful discussion before sex?

"Well... you said you want to pleasure me," he answers, "but before we go any further, you have to know that what really turns me on is control over my partner." This is starting to scare me, and images I would really like to forget begin to form once again in my mind.

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