Chapter 20: The Blue Hedonism

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Anthony, Wed 27th 2015

"Your attitude has been exemplary, Pet," my Master says. "I think it's time to end your punishment."

After my big mistake on Monday night, I was ready to accept anything he threw at me and I have strived to be on my best behavior. I respected all the rules obediently, and didn't even try anything that was forbidden. His grounding was worse than I ever had, even with my parents when I was a kid, but in a way it helped me cope with the fact I had disappointed him so badly. Next time I crave for an extra cigarette or a beer, I will tell him. I don' want to endure this again!

Of course I blew him each time it was possible, to try to soften his mood. And it's always so hot when he takes full control over my mouth I really enjoyed doing it! I had to will down my erections after, but all in all, seducing him was always worth it. When I came home from my aikido practice tonight, he was already here, surprisingly. He ordered me to kneel in the living room and look at him, so I thought I was in for another hot blowjob! But instead of that, he just ungrounded me.

"As I explained to you before, Pet," he continues, "when the punishment is over, you are forgiven, and the fault that led to it should be forgotten. Remember what you did wrong to correct your behavior in the future, but don't dwell on it anymore. Understood?"

"Yes, Master." I'm almost crying with happiness. He said he has forgiven me! I want to jump and just hug him but I'm not sure I'm allowed to do so. Oh, that also means I will be able to write more texts to Zach! He sent a very nice message to me yesterday morning, asking me why I was punished and wishing me luck. I replied yesterday night just telling him I had fucked up big time, without going into details, but hoped to be free again this evening.

"I am proud of you, Pet," my Master concludes, scratching my hair. This never fails to make me feel special. How I had missed his praises! "Now go take a shower," he adds huskily, "and don't forget to prep this time!"

"Yes Master," I reply, blushing. He had to make a reference to that incident of course! I hurry up to the bathroom and take a long and relaxing shower, properly cleaning my butt. I wonder if we received the last results from our tests. When I'm dry, I just put on a pair of boxer briefs, since I know he prefers it that way: I've noticed he never fails to tell me how beautiful I look every time I'm just in my underwear. I have barely made three steps in the living room that I'm pinned against the wall and fiercely kissed by my Master. I immediately part my lips to let him dominate my mouth and of course my little soldier very happily springs to life. Since he hasn't restrained my hands for once, I let them wander on his back and hug him. This is such a nice feeling!

"Hold that thought for a little bit, Pet," he says when he breaks the kiss, his forehead pressed against mine while he gently taps my crotch. "Let us eat dinner first, then I want to train you a bit more for your test tomorrow. When all of this is done, we will celebrate your regained freedom in the playroom!"

Oh I can't wait for that! He shows me the results of our tests that were sent today, and we are both clean. After we have eaten, he makes me practice once again all the basic positions. He insists on kneeling and standing attention, as he says they are the ones I should use tomorrow during the test, since they are the most standard. He reminds me I shouldn't look up in the eyes of any Dominant and not talk, unless I'm asked a direct question, in which case I should address the one who asked it by Master so and so. He tries to trick me a few times and ends the training by having me kneeling for almost thirty minutes - on a cushion thankfully - trying to make me look up by walking around, making small noises or calling his friend Aiden to talk about me.

"You did extremely well, Pet. I'm very proud of you!" he says when he is satisfied. I swear I'm starting to get addicted to the warm feeling this causes in my body. "Now go wait for me in the playroom, Pet. Naked," he orders.

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