Chapter 23: The contract

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Ethan, Fri Jan 30th 2015

I'm looking at my little angel sleeping in our bed. Yes, it's going to be our bed now that he officially agreed to be my submissive. I'm so thrilled about that! He literally passed out a minute after I ordered him to go to sleep, which isn't surprising: I know how exhausting sensational play can be! I didn't know how he would react to wax and ice, so I kept it very simple at the beginning, gradually increasing the stimulations. Until he asked for more, and I think I gave him what he wanted. Again he was so responsive to all the teasing I subjected him to!

At some point, I saw him relax completely and go with the flow. I think I was far from reaching his limits but I still stopped when I saw him slowly drift into Subspace. This state would certainly have been extremely pleasant for him, but it would also have completely impaired his judgement and I couldn't have been able to trust him to safeword when needed. I don't think I know his body well enough yet, and certainly not on a first experience with temperature play so I just let him reach his climax. He still was out for a while after that!

It's a little bit too early for me to sleep so I go to my office and begin to work on his contract. I take the standard frame I have stored on my computer and begin to adapt it to better fit my boy's needs. After a couple of hours of work, I reread what I've come up with.

Agreement for a Dominant / Submissive relationship

This document specifies the responsibilities and duties of Mr. Ethan Wells, living on 945 5th Avenue, New York NY ("The Dominant") and Mr. Anthony Dumont, living on 321 E 73rd Street, New York NY ("The Submissive") as part of a consensual BDSM agreement between them. The above-named individuals may also be referred to as "the Parties".

Both Parties agree to abide by this agreement even though it isn't legally binding. It is private and shall not be disclosed in any circumstances to anyone, except for Mr. Aiden Tyrell or the current manager of the Blue Hedonism, should said manager change.

I Duration

This agreement will be valid from Saturday January 31st 2015 and for an indefinite period of time. It will become null and void should either Party decide to deliver notice to the other of his desire to terminate it, whatever the reason shall be, or should either Party die.

II Responsibilities

A. The Dominant is responsible for his Submissive's safety and well-being at all times. He is committed to treat his Submissive properly, and respectfully. The Dominant shall do anything in his power to guide and educate his Submissive to become a better person and reach his long-term goals. The Dominant shall discipline his Submissive, should the latter disobey any order or rule.

B. The Submissive agrees to completely submit to his Dominant in all ways, without any boundary of time, place or situation. The Submissive understands that in submission, he will find his true self. He accepts that his Dominant will use all his power to mold and shape him into a better person and assist him to achieve his long-term goals. In this regard, the Submissive shall never hesitate to ask for the Dominant's help and advice. The Submissive shall move to his Dominant's apartment on the day of the signature of this agreement and maintain his residence there until this agreement is nullified.

III Duties of the Dominant

A. The Dominant shall pay for all the bills and charges incurred by the Submissive to achieve his goals or obey one of his Dominant's order.

B. The Dominant shall always allow some time to listen to his Submissive's concerns and worries, provide advice and bring solutions in order to make his Submissive feel comfortable.

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