Chapter 56: Taking over

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Ethan, Thu Jul 2nd 2015

I must confess it feels good to let the Dominant completely out. When I arrived home on Tuesday night, after Glenn had told me my boy had been spotted going to buy some alcohol, I was completely pissed. He had been making so much progress on his addictions, why would he throw it away like this? As much as I can understand he had it hard and is not in the best place right now mentally speaking, he should have called me for help before yielding to his urges like this!

The worst part though, was how he tried to hide it from me. And I have to admit he is pretty good at concealing his drunken state. If I hadn't been tipped off by the guard who was just watching over the apartment following my boy to the liquor store, I probably would not have noticed he was wasted. How he could downed the whole bottle in less than an hour is still beyond me, but I don't judge him for that. I hope there won't be a next time, but I already told the guards to warn me as soon as something like this happens in the future, so that I can act more quickly.

So if I was pissed before arriving home, I was downright furious when he lied to me. It took all my self-control not to lash on him too much. And even by containing my anger as best as I could, he still had some kind of anxiety attack when I began to express my disappointment. I guess the nagging guilt he was feeling since the abduction and the fact he was caught red-handed were just too much to deal with, especially with so much alcohol in his system.

The STD that asshole may have given him must not have helped either, but it is really a minor inconvenience. He should be completely cured in less than a week if he was indeed infected and his doctor assured me he wasn't contagious so this is not a big deal, when it could have been much worse. I still hope we won't have a nasty surprise coming in his follow-up blood tests in a bit less than a month.

I knew I wouldn't punish him that night either way, the lifestyle requires him to be aware of his limits in case he needs to safeword, and we couldn't do anything with him being so intoxicated, so I just reassured him as best I could before sending him to bed. I thought I would have to cuddle with him for a long time before he fell asleep, but it seems like the wine helped him as efficiently. So I had time to review the offer that the investors had done to me earlier in the day.

There were still a few key points to negotiate – like the fact they won't fire anyone just to try to gain efficiency, or that they will keep on the guidelines I have established in our farmers' selection – but it was a very good proposition. They are willing to pay an insane amount of money, which doesn't hurt, and want to expand the concept to the rest of the cities in the North East, in Chicago, and on the West Coast.

I then went to bed with my boy, but couldn't sleep for the longest time. Not because of his snoring, like I teased him the day after, but because the conversation with Mark, my father's second-in-command, kept replaying in my head. I had spent the day trying not to think about it, and I was very disappointed to have to deal with my Sub's bad behavior that night since I had wanted to discuss this topic with him.

Thinking in terms of career only, replacing my father would be a huge move forward, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It would also mean a lot more work, so less time at home with my boy, at a time where he needs me a lot. And a lot of travels, mostly to Paris or London, which would imply a lot of time away from him. After what just happened tonight, did I really want to leave him alone on a regular basis? It might be the best move for me, but I have responsibilities toward him that I don't intend to flee, I would make for a pitiful Dominant if I did.

On the other hand, not taking this opportunity to provide better care to my boy would mean that my father stays in place. I didn't have the votes to overthrow him without Mark's support. His henchman might be under arrest, but I didn't doubt my old man has the means to hire another one and find other ways to make our lives miserable. Sadly the fight that opposes me to him could only stop when he is completely neutralized – and preferably in jail. So in a way, my Sub's safety required that I accept Mark's offer.

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