Chapter 57: Fireworks

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Anthony, Sat Jul 4th 2015

I'm so glad I'm running again in Central Park. It's always so nice, even if there are a lot of people wandering the roads. Today is gorgeous! Not too warm with a small breeze that chills me down during my effort. I have always liked to run, it relaxes me and I'm soon thinking about my research. Slaloming between passersby is fun, but tiring, so I take the paths that are less frequented when I get the chance, enjoying some coolness under the trees.

I am a bit surprised to suddenly hit the ground then realizes I have been tripped. I look back to see with horror that Bad Guy is once more behind me and pins me down on the floor while he pulls my pants down. We are in the same meadow he abducted me a few days ago. Panic seizes me when he begins to unbuckle his pants. At the same time as I feel him split me in half, making me scream in pain, Ethan's father approaches in the clearing.

"That's what you get for perverting my boy!" he says with a predatory smile, before he lets out a sadistic laugh.

I wake up drenched in sweat, panting, my heart beating crazily. A nightmare, I sigh with relief, it was just a nightmare. I take a few deep breaths to calm down while I snuggle against the muscular chest of the gorgeous man beside me, reveling in his smell. I guess I will have to get used to having bad dreams for a while. I can't say I enjoy those, but at least they are way less horrible than the ones I used to have before meeting my Master.

The good part was it was a bit cold in the dream, I think to myself. Summer has fully come out in the past few days and its gross humid warmth has settled on the City. I will have to see if I can convince my Master to lower the AC during the nights even if he doesn't like it. He is lucky not to be bothered by the heat like I am. Although the nice side is that he has completely pushed the light comforter in his sleep and I can enjoy the view of his glorious nakedness.

Of course that leads my perverted mind to imagine a few naughty scenarios. If I don't fall back asleep soon, I will definitely wake him up in the sweetest manner. For now though, I just rest against his torso, letting the beating of his heart slowly soothe me while I take deep breaths. He hugs me with his left arm, without waking up, and I am soon drifting back to sleep.

The second time I wake up is nicer. We are still in the same position, but he is gently caressing my side with his arm while softly kissing my hair. It would be so nice to awaken like this every morning, I think to myself. I rub my head on his hard chest, nuzzling a bit more against him.

"Did you sleep well, Pet?"

"Yes, Master," I reply. "I just had a small nightmare." No more hiding things, no more lies. I learned my lesson well since my last punishment. Besides he has been so perfect toward me that the least I can do is to try to be equally perfect in my submission.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" he asks, a bit annoyed.

"I fell back asleep really quickly, so there was no need, Master," I answer meekly. "Besides you need to have your sleep with all the work you have to do!"

He only took his position yesterday but came back extremely late, and he already warned me he would have to work all weekend long. I won't see him until tonight, at the club. His father was arrested yesterday morning and he has to deal with the communication around it, so that it doesn't damage the company too badly.

"Don't remind me!" he growls. "I want to stay in bed and cuddle all day!"

We just relax for a bit like this while I think about my plans for the day. Like yesterday it will be spent with Zach. It was also very nice to wake up at four in this bed yesterday morning. More exactly to wake up with my Master then try to awaken Master Aiden and his baby who are clearly not morning persons. But I guess that with going to bed after the club closes every night, they just have different sleep patterns.

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