Scared of Darkness??

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Samar's point of view:-

After having dinner we all sat in the living room. I notice that Sanam is very tensed up.

Suddenly Anu stands up and Went away and Sanam instantly stood up as I look at him  with a questioning look and  he says,

" going to sleep" as I nod at him , I know that you have to talk to her.
I decide to stay there for some more time....

After some time Anushka comes after finishing her work and asks me,

"Samar... don't wanna sleep tonight?" and I reply "ya... I am just leaving" & she nods at me so we both go together towards our rooms.

we were in the corridor when I caught her arm and she looks at me with a questioning look and I ask her,

"Anushka... why didn't you tell me the whole thing?" as she looks away from me and she asks me ,

"What are you saying Samar?" and I say to her "You said that I don't know what you have suffered from?" As she looks down and I say ,
"You don't think that I am worth telling anyth-...."

but she stops me by putting her hand on my mouth and she says "No Samar... it''s not like that".
She looks up at me and I notice her watery eyes and she says "I believe you that's why......"

She removes her hands from my mouth and say "You will get to know it...." as she looks at me pleadingly and I give her a assuring look.

She goes in her room and I enter my room .
i sit on the bed... "There's something which she needs to tell...but don't know how to?"

I will get to know that thing as I remember her words,

"I believe in you..."and I smile on these words.
I think I should get a shower and I went for a quick shower.

After changing I take a look at my phone as I was going through my emails..... But after some time Darkness fell everywhere as I look around I realize that the lights are gone.

I look out from the window. probably due to the storm which came  today...which is still going on.

I think I should go to the terrace in the open , so I start walking with the help of the little light that 's coming due to the lighting.

I turn the door knob and when I go outside I see that Anushka's room is open, so I go in the room to if she's alright as I enter the room I see her standing against the wall and she's freaked out.

I remember correctly that Anu told me that Both of them are scared of Darkness.

I go near her and hold her hand and she clutched my shoulders as I say "Hey, I am here... I am here OK?"
as she holds me tightly and I took her with me to the terrace.

On reaching there she asks me "Samar ??"and I reply to her "Ya- Ya Anushka, it's me don't get scared" and she nods at me. I leave her hands and see that that the lights of whole city is gone as I say irritated "Great!!" and suddenly she stumbles upon my foot and I hold her I notice that she staying close to me, I know she's scared.

I ask "You're alright?" as she starts finding words and she says "ya..I am fine"

She tries to prove herself by going a little bit away but she again comes backwards and I give her a questioning look and she says "Woh..(actually) I... I.. lost my way" and she again tries to act brave.

Now she's leaning on the railing as she has her fingers crossed..this girl...,
I start checking my phone again as  we  both wait for the lights to come but suddenly a very fast wind blows  and she comes a little closer to me and it is following by a lighting and thunder and I feel her clutching my arm as she tries to hide and she holds on to me...

I knew it!! And I look at her and she says "Okay-Okay!!! You know, I am scared" she says while holding me and I look at her. she's scared so much and I hold her close to me.

When the thunder calms she leaves me slowly opening her eyes... and looks at me I feel that she was about to cry as I ask her "You're Okay? as she nods and she asks me "How did you know that..."

"you're scared of Darkness?"
I say to her and she nods as I reply, "Anu told me that you two are scared of Darkness so...."

"So you came?" she asks me and I reply
"Actually ya that's why I came.."

I smile at her and  suddenly the lights came and on hearing that she ran away from me, as I shout "Hey careful!!!"

As I watch her going.
I stand there thinking about what just happened now and then I realized that she's not angry with me and this thing somehow calms me down...
I return to my room finally for the night,
Finally I got calmed down....

Sanam's Point of view:-
(While those two were at the terrace..)

After talking to Anu , when I went in my room....after thinking a lot I realize that Anu believes in me this much, that she told me everything thing......which she didn't tell anyone else?

"Is she too falli....?" no way! Sanam stop right now.

I lay down on the bed trying to sleep but all my sleep vanished from the incident that occurred . I kept thinking about her...

Suddenly the electricity was gone as I stand up irritated and I think What to do ? So I decide to go in the backyard at least there will be open  out there., I think as I try to find the door and I finally got it so I open the door and went outside my room... I was about to go down... but I suddenly remember that Anu's scared of Darkness...

Worried about her I go close to her room's door .I think she's asleep as I was about to leave suddenly I hear a sobbing sound and hearing that I ran in the room ... entering the room I see her sitting on the floor holding her legs close to herself and she's crying .

i run to her and instantly held her as she held me close to her .
I wipe her tears and I whisper to her,

"Shhhh.. I am right here ....with you"

we stand up and I take her out with me to the backyard as she still holds on to me as I look at her....

This girl just told me everything she had.... And she needs some one by her side , I think as I look at her and Suddenly a loud thunder strikes again and she hides in my jacket... as I hold her close to me and I say "It's okay nothing will happen" as she holds me tightly.

After sometime when the storm calms down  ,the lights come and I ask her,

"You're Fine?
and she nods at me and I ask her,

"wanna go inside?"
and she nods at me as I take her hand in mine and took her along with me and I say to her
"Have a good night sleep and you'll be fine" and she nods at me as I smile at her when we reach in front of her room I say to her ,

"Anu... I understand what you told me..but I just want to tell you that I am not one of those who don't care ...OK?"

As she smiles at me and she suddenly hugs me and starts crying and says "I know that Sanam... I know that..." as I smile to myself and hold her.

After sometime she leaves me as I ask, "You're Okay now?"
I lay her on her bed and leave for my room and I am finally calming down as I feel that I can sleep now ,

I smile at myself as I say ,
"Was I waiting for this to happen? but never mind she understands me now "

I think as I lay on the bed and I don't know when sleep embraced me...

Hi there guys I hope you liked it so.... I want to give you a challenge Ok?

* You have to find out a sentence from this chapter that tells that "Sanam too Likes Anu" ,&I will mention his/her name in one of the chapters let's see....
  Who can find the sentence???😊*

I am up to the next chapter... please  vote and comment on this if you like it and please put forward what you think about it..
Thanks again for your time and consideration and good bye till next time... love you all😊😊😊😊

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