Happy Ending?

601 19 16

Never fear giving
all when it comes to love. True love is intelligent. ...

A few weeks later ..

Anu's point of view:-

I was standing in front of my car staring at the machine who had refused to work further in front of me.
Every time I am Happy, problems run to hug me and they're like - I am not gonna leave you ever!!!

"Anu .." I heard Anushka's voice when I picked up my vibrating phone and answered "Yeah?"
"What Yeah? You're going to come home right?" And I sighed softly"Well I wish to"
"I sent the mechanic" she said to me and I rolled my eyes "Okay .but it will also take time ... I will come by a cab"
"As you wish" she said cutting off the line making me sigh again.

I am a fool.. I said that like there were thousands of cabs waiting for me here.

I heard someone honking horn from behind and I glaned at the car which had tinted windows are which prevented me from seeing inside.

I once again stood aside when I heard my phone and o answered it "Hey love ... being alone at night is not nice by the you're flaming tonight"

I silently smiled sarastically going to the black car and opening the door to get inside.

he smirked looking at me from head to toe as he nodded while exhaling air and turned the a.c a more level higher than the previous one making me feel flushed.

I decided to divert my attention as I kept the shopping bags at the back seat and stood.

"You're happy now right? They made it official" he asked as I felt the car starting. I looked at him while jumping "More than happy" He just smiled while nodding slightly.

"And you?" I asked him before I started coughing putting my hand on my mouth. He stopped the car looking at me worried "you're okay?" He asked still looking down at me as his left hand rubbed my back and I nodded at him while he still looked at me.

"Will you worry for me at every small thing?" I asked him looking at his insanely handsome face and he smiled lightly backing off.

I quietly kept my hands in my lap looking down blankly smiling at his reaction.

"Well actually I am worrying about Myself" I looked at him confused about this "Ya.. cause I think how will I cope with you" he huffed while taking a turn and successfully making me hit his bisceps with my Palm.

I rolled my eyes at him looking at the road realizing that I was late today cause it's all empty.
How did he know this?
"Don't give me that look..the location of your cell is on" he said while grinning making me look in the front again.

"You're so irresponsible... Why are you so late?" He said making me feel like a child being scolded by the class teacher.

I just turned my face away muttering a sorry to him.
"Tsch . .. yaar now don't be sad na" he said while I felt his gaze on me.
"Naah I am not sad .. you're just always like this. Look at Samar he's so.." I trailed off in my tracks realizing what I was saying.

I stopped myself from jerking by holding on to his shoulder when he crashed the brakes. Why did I said that?

He raised his right eyebrow at me leaving the steering wheel. He has a dangerous smirk on his face.

"Samar is so....?" He asked again as I answered "Aah... Why did you stop driving?" I felt his face coming more near to me as I leaned back.
"Stay on the point... Samar is...?" And I zipped up as my breath got stuck in my throat.

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