Tired Little Muffin

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I was sat at home on the sofa with my mom while we caught up on any episodes that we had missed of The Vampire Diaries when I received a text from my boyfriend, Shawn, and I's friend Geoff.

Your boyfriend seems to think we're too boring today😂👇🏼

Aw look at the tired lil muffin🤗He's getting pranked, it's only fair🤷🏽‍♂️Just make sure you don't go easy on him so I won't need to prank him when I see him laterWe never go easy on him don't worry😂---------

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Aw look at the tired lil muffin🤗
He's getting pranked, it's only fair🤷🏽‍♂️
Just make sure you don't go easy on him so I won't need to prank him when I see him later
We never go easy on him don't worry😂

"Who was that?" My mom asked once I had set my phone down beside me again. "Shawn?"

"Geoff, actually. He sent me a photo of Shawn sleeping. " Mom and I chuckled when I showed her the message and photo.

"He's going to be so pissed when you see him later. Especially if they prank him when he's sleeping."

"Yeah, he does not like to be disturbed when he's sleeping." I agreed.

No longer than an hour later, Shawn walked through my front door, locking it with the key he had and coming into the living area where he sat down in between me and my mom. He gave my mom a quick hug before snuggling into my side.

"Someone's clingy." Mom commented with a smile on her face as she watched me run my hand through my boyfriends hair.

"No one hugs me during rehearsals it's annoying." Shawn mumbled and my mum held back her giggles.

She stood up from the sofa and announced she was heading to bed because she had work early tomorrow morning.

"I missed you today." Shawn mumbled again, kicking off his shoes and lying across the sofa. His head rested on my thighs and his legs hung over the arm of the sofa because of how long he was.

"I missed you, too." I replied to him, pulling the hood off his head and beginning to play with his curly hair. "Did you get pranked today?"

"Not today; I woke up before they could." He chuckled. He lay with his eyes closed and i took this time to admire every physical trait he had and every personality trait, too. "Do you think your mom would let you finish the rest of this school year doing online classes?"

"Probably not; you know what she's like when it comes to school." Shawn nodded slowly in return. "Why d'you ask?"

"Well I've been thinking for a while how it'd be good to have you come on tour with me when it starts? Maybe not the full tour cause I know how you get really bad travel sickness and you have school assignments and stuff to do. I spoke to Andrew today about it and he said you could maybe join for the European leg of the tour since it's only, like, a couple months and you could just get your assignments e-mailed like I do."

"I would love to do that but it's just trying to persuade my mom into thinking it would be a good idea."

"Wait," Shawn sat up right and looked at me with a suspicious smile. "We could get my mom to persuade her since they're friends. Your mom knows how my mom and dad and Aaliyah come out on tour for a while, too. Maybe if she knows my parents will be there it might make her more relaxed about you coming,"

"If we can talk your mom into that then i'm so down."

"I'm FaceTiming her right now." Shawn pulled out his phone and waited until Karen's face appeared on the screen.

"Hey mom."

"Hi! What time are you coming home?" Karen smiled through the screen. I could see Aaliyah snuggled up beside her on the camera.

" He's at Y/N's house." Aaliyah spoke with a sarcatic smile since she knew she had just told on her brother before he could explain himself to his mom.

"Yeah, i'm gonna stay at Y/N's house tonight if thats okay? She's here if you want to talk to her?" Shawn turned the camera so it could face me sitting on the sofa beside him wearing one of his hoodies and a pair of polka dot pyjamma bottoms.

"Hi Karen, how're you?" I smiled, taking the phone from Shawn's hand so I could hold it myself.

"Hi sweetie, i'm great! Me and Leigha are just watching Clueless before bed."

"Oh I love that movie! Maybe i'll leave Shawn here and come join y-" I didn't get to finish my sentence as the phone was taken from my hands. "Hey! I was talking to your mom!"

"Shawn don't be rude!" Karen's voice was just a muffle in the background as Shawn looked at me teasingly.

"Well we have better things to speak to my mom about other than Clueless... Unless you dont want to go?"

"No, no, no! I do want to go!" Shawn smirked and nodded his head, sending me an I thought so look. "Talk away."

"So mom, you know how you and Y/N's mom are, like, really close friends?"

"Yeah?" Karen's voice trailed off, her eyes narrowing on her son. "Where is this conversation going, Shawn?"

"Well, I spoke to Andrew earlier and asked about Y/N maybe joining me on the European leg of the tour and he said that would be cool and she could get her classes e-mailed for the time shes gone like I do. But she can't come unless her mom says its okay."

"And what does that have to do with me and Y/N's mom being friends?" Karen was clearly confused as to what this conversation was about and where it could possibly end up going.

"Well, her mom is quite strict about school work so we don't think she will let Y/N go on tour in case she misses out. But, she knows that you, dad and Aaliyah come on tour, too. So, maybe you could talk her into letting Y/N come."

"Shawn Peter Raul!" Karen only ever used Shawn's full name when she was either joking or seriously mad. At this point in time; I couldn't tell which one she was feeling right now. "I cannot believe you're asking me to do this!"

"You don't have to if you don't want to, Karen. I'd be perfectly fine with a couple visits and FaceTiming." Shawn looked at me confusedly; not knowing whether or not if that sentence was going to make his mom feel bad or forget all about persuading my mom because she thought i'd be fine for a few months.

"No, no! I'm kidding!" Shawn's face washed over with relief; as mine probably did, too. "I'll speak to your mom tomorrow at work and i'll tell you guys what she said when we see you tomorrow."

"Thank you so much!" Shawn and I practically yelled down the phone before saying goon night to his mom, dad and Aaliyah and ending the call.

The next day, Shawn picked me up at my house when he was finished with rehearsals and drove us to his house where I would stay and have Shawn drive me home later that night.

Karen was in the kitchen starting dinner and Manny was still at work when we arrived at Shawn's house.

Shawn and I gave her a hug before sitting on the kitchen stool at the table, gently rocking from side to side.

"So, did you talk to Y/N's mom yet?" I had completely forgot we had even asked her to do that last night.

"I did, yeah." Karen's facial expression showed no emotion, making the hearts of the two teens in front of her beat rapidly.

"She said no didn't she." My voice immediately dropped and radiated sadness. The thought of having to deal with Shawn being gone for months at a time absolutely terrifying me as it does every time he has to leave. "I should've known."

"Well, for once in your life, you're wrong." I stared at Karen confused as a smile settled upon her face. "You're mom is letting you go."

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