Birthday Bash 2

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Y/N began to walk home after she secretly watched Shawn and his one night stand climb in to a cab and drive off in the direction of his condo

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Y/N began to walk home after she secretly watched Shawn and his one night stand climb in to a cab and drive off in the direction of his condo.

She checked her purse for any change to call a cab for herself but, unlucky for her, she could find nothing.

Five minutes in to walking home and her phone began to ring.


"Hey Brian. What's up?" She answered with a sigh.

"Where are you?" He was barely audible through the phone due to the immense amount of noise coming from the back-ground. "Everyone's asking where you are!"

"Just tell them I've gone home or something." The line went silent meaning Brian had either ended the call or muted himself. "Bri, you still there?"

Then the noise came back.

"Yeah I'm still here. I was asking Shawn where you were." Brian replied. "Why are you home and not here?"

"I'm not home. I'm still walking around the fucking town because I have no change to get a cab home and I can't drive cause I've been drinking." She ran her free hand through her hair and blinked away the frustrated tears which had built up on the water line of her eyes. "I just wanna go home."

"You're not going anywhere. Stay exactly where you are and I'll come get you. Send me your location."

Before she could protest, Brian had ended the phone call and she groaned before sending him her location.

She watched as groups of drunk people of all ages stumbled down the sidewalk, laughing and looking like they were having the time of their lives.

Everyone will be like that at Shawn's party, too. She thought to herself.

She was annoyed that she was missing out on a party that she had planned.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me you had to walk home?" The sound of Shawn's voice startled her and she slowly looked up until she was staring in to the hazel eyes of her best friend. "I could have given you money, Y/N. Or brought you back to my place."

"I think you made it very fucking clear that you didn't want me to come back to your place, Shawn." Her eyebrows scrunched up in anger and she sent him the most pissed off looking expression she could master.

"Well, I changed my mind." He sassed and all she could do was roll her eyes at her stupid but attractive best friend.

"You only changed your mind cause I ruined your surprise birthday bash and your little hook-up for you. Plus it probably made you feel guilty that people were asking for me when you were the one who told me just to go home instead, eh?"

"Yeah." He trailed off and ran a hand through his hair, messing it up ever so slightly.

Y/N rolled her eyes at the sight, stood up and raked her hands through his curls until they were fixed nicely atop of his head. "There."

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