Pumpkin Patch

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"Hey doll, what's up?" Shawn had answered the call with a cheery voice as always.

"Hey! Just wanted to let you know that me and Aaliyah are going to Tom's Farm today for the pumpkin patch just in case you came home and we weren't there." I replied loudly so he could hear me over the engine of the car.

"Oh, alright." His voice trailed off and I glanced at Aaliyah with confusion on my features before returning my attention back to the road ahead of me.

"You okay?" I asked uncertainly.

"Yeah, I'll just talk to you later." He spoke, trying to sound normal but I could see (or hear, in this case) past his act. "Have fun you two."

"Bye Shawn! Don't miss us too much!" Aaliyah chirped down the phone and he laughed, telling her see you later before he hung up the phone.

Aaliyah and I spent a good three hours at Tom's Farm. We picked out a couple pumpkins that varied in size that caught our eyes, sat in the cafe to have hot chocolate and slices of cake, picked our own fruit to take home and even went on a tour of the farm where we got to see some of the animals.

It wasn't necessarily everyone's ideal day out but it was quality time spent with my boyfriend's family and I valued spending time with them just like I did with Shawn.

I dropped off Aaliyah at her friends house where she was sleeping over tonight, stopped by at Karen and Manny's home to drop off Aaliyah's pumpkins and gift them with some of the fruit we had picked today as well as have a little catch up before I began the drive back to Shawn and I's shared condo.

On the way home, a phone call from Shawn sounded through the Bluetooth part of the car and I answered on the second ring, immediately smiling as the sound of my boyfriend's voice filled the car.

"Hi doll!" He chirped happily.

"Hey handsome. Is everything okay?"

"Perfect, actually." His change in mood since the last time we spoke was a big difference and I felt even more confused now than I did hours before. "When you come home, there's an outfit laid out on the bed for you. Put it on cause we're going on a date."

I pulled the car in to the garage and made my way up to our apartment. Shawn was sitting on the counter in the kitchen when I arrived, carrying three pumpkins I had brought home from Tom's Farm.

"How did you manage to carry those three up here on your own?" He had asked when I struggled to get them from my arms to the counter top. "And why is there three?"

"Honestly, I have no idea how I did it by myself and there's three because 'Liyah is staying over next week for the full weekend and I thought we could carve these when she's here." I placed my bag on the counter beside the bags and sighed in content as Shawn took my hand in his and pulled me to stand between his thighs.

He wrapped his arms around my shoulders as mine slid around his waist and my head rested on his stomach.

"I love how close you are with her." He mumbled quietly. "She adores you. In fact, she told me a couple days ago that if I don't make you her legal sister-in-law that she's going to disown me and she'll never speak to me again."

"You know what?" He hummed in response. "I think I might just do the same."

"I'll do the same if you say no when the time comes."

"As if I'm going to deny a marriage proposal from the famous Shawn Mendes." I joked, a teasing smile on my lips as I spoke. "I'm kidding."

"Well, now we know we're gonna get married soon, I think you should go get ready for that date I have planned; you're gonna love it." I looked up, resting my chin on his chest as he leaned down to kiss my forehead, literally making me swoon.

"I love everything you do."

"You're so cheesy, Jesus Christ." He groaned with a cheeky smile on his face and leaned down to kiss my lips quickly before I pushed myself away from him.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes jokingly at his words. "I'm gonna go get ready now."

"Don't take too long."

"I'll try not to." As I walked away from him, he gently smacked my butt. "Hey! Keep your hands off, Mendes."

"You'll not be saying that when I marry you cause then your ass will be mine forever." My eyes narrowed at him and I smirked before walking down the hallway and in to our bedroom, making sure to put an extra swing in my hips as I walked for I knew he was watching my every move.

When I entered the bedroom, my eyes settled upon the outfit that Shawn had set out for our date.

A matching silk pair of baby blue coloured pyjamas was set on the end of the bed with fuzzy baby blue socks and a matching lacy white lingerie set.

I pulled on the new items and slipped on Shawn's black zip up hoodie before walking back in to the kitchen where he was microwaving pop-corn and leaning against the counter with his phone in his hand.

"I'm guessing this was the date outfit and I haven't just changed in to pyjamas for no reason." My voice started him as his shoulders jerked a little and he turned around to face me.

"You look so cute in those." He smiled brightly and put his phone on the counter behind him. "Blue is definitely your colour; in fact, every colour is your colour. You look good in everything."

"Oh, Thanks." I smiled in return, stalking towards him and wrapping my arms around his waist as his settled around my shoulders. "So, what kind of date are we having if I'm wearing pyjamas?"

"We're having a lazy date night. I was gonna take you out for dinner since we don't do that often but then I remembered that you've been out all day and you're probably tired so..."

"You're the best."

"I know."

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