Big Sister

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"Y/N! Hi!" My boyfriend, Shawn's, little sister welcomed me with a hug when I walked through the doors to his condo

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"Y/N! Hi!" My boyfriend, Shawn's, little sister welcomed me with a hug when I walked through the doors to his condo.

"Hey Liyah." I hugged her back and followed her into the kitchen where we took a seat across the marble top counter from each other. "What've you been doing all day?"

"Me and Shawn painted some little canvases after lunch and then just chilled watching some T.V."

"That sounds fun. Speaking of, where is your brother?"

Aaliyah pointed towards the sliding glass doors that led to the outside balcony. "Outside with Brian and Matt. They came over, like, ten minutes before you got here."

The way Aaliyah's tone was when she spoke made me realise how off she was. She was usually really chirpy, cracking jokes and giggling but today she seemed a little distant.

"Alright, what's wrong Liyah?" I asked, studying her expressions to see if I could maybe narrow down what could be making her so quiet.

"Nothings wrong. What makes you think there's something wrong?" Aaliyah's words were rushed and her cheeks turned pink when I gave her a I know you're lying look.

"Alright, you got me. But if I tell you then you gotta promise not to tell Shawn." She mumbled, her eyes looking into mine desperately. "Please?"

"I pinky promise you." I locked her pinky finger with mine so she knew I wouldn't utter a word to her brother about what she was about to tell me.

"I've kind of been dating this boy." She trailed off with her little pink cheeks turning a shade of pink darker than they already were. "But he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet so I don't want to tell anyone about him until then. But I just need someone to talk to about boys and the only person I can talk to is you cause you get it and you're like my big sister."

"Oh my gosh." Was all that escaped my mouth at her confession. "Tell me all about this boy who's stole my baby sisters heart."

Aaliyah began rambling adorably about this boy (who she's had a crush on for a while, by the way) and she told me everything about them and their almost relationship. When she asked me for advice about certain things, I gave her the best advice I could give.

"What are you two talking about?" Shawn's voice sounded from the doorway to the kitchen as he walked in. He came behind me as I sat on the stool and wrapped his arms around my waist as he kissed my cheek and whispered hi baby in my ear.

"Nothing." Aaliyah and I replied at the same time, making Shawn glance at us both suspiciously. "Just stuff."

"I don't even wanna know."

Later that night when Manny had come to pick up Aaliyah and take her back home and Brian and Matt had left, Shawn and I had relocated to the bedroom to watch movies.

"You wanna know one of the things I love most about you?" He had randomly mumbled into my hair as we cuddled under the blankets.

I hummed in response.

"I love that you've accepted my family and that they've done the same for you. Like, with Aaliyah, you just treat her like she's your own little sister and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever saw."

"I love your family almost as much as I love you. Plus I've always wanted a little sister."

"I swear you love her more than me."

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