Love You

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Although Shawn and I had went our separate ways after our 1 year relationship, there was one thing that never changed about us; our friendship

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Although Shawn and I had went our separate ways after our 1 year relationship, there was one thing that never changed about us; our friendship.

We promised that no matter what happened between us we would always stay friends considering that's all we had been since starting high school.

"Your phone's ringing." Dad tossed my phone on to my stomach as I lay on the sofa and he sat in one of the single seats in the lounge.

The caller I.D showed that Shawn was trying to FaceTime.

"It's Shawn, can I answer?" Dad nodded and I accepted the call, his cheery face immediately appearing on the screen.

"Hey doll!" Shawn waved and his already wide smile brightened when my face appeared on the screen.

"Hi. Hold on until I plug my earphones in." I smiled and plugged in my earphones all while taking in his immaculate looking features and paying real close attention to the SnapBack on his head which was rather attractive. "Ooh, I'm liking the hat."

"You think it suits me?" He smiled brightly, taking the backwards SnapBack off his head and twisting it round so it was sitting normal. "A fan gave it to me."

"I think it makes you look pretty cute, yeah." Shawns cheeks tinted a barely noticeable shade of pink at my compliment. "How long do you have left of tour?"

I stood up from my position on the sofa and walked into the dining room to take a seat at the table while he spoke to me about his Illuminate Tour.

"Well, the European leg finishes in, like, two days. We're in London just now so me and mom are going to stay at my Aunt Camila's for a couple days after tour for promo and stuff then head home since I get a couple weeks break before the American leg of tour starts." I always admired how his brown eyes sparkled when he spoke about his career and his fans. He was so passionate about what he did and the people who helped him make his dream become reality; that's one of the most inspiring things about Shawn.

"God, that went by quick. I bet you'll be happy to be home for a while. You'll be able to relax with your family a-"

"I miss you." He interrupted, his smiling face dropping into a frown. "I miss you so much."

Immediately, this mix of pain and guilt overcame me and it felt like my heart had dropped right down to my stomach.

I didn't know what to say to him. He never did things like this over FaceTime; he was always so happy on FaceTime. Sure, we told each other that we missed each other but only over phone calls and text messages so we could avoid situations like this one.

"I miss you too, Shawn."

"I'm sorry I ended everything. I should've made things work. I'm sorry." The sad look that he was showing would be enough to break even the most malicious of people's hearts.

"It wasn't just your choice Shawn. We both decided to end it. But, like you said; it was for the best." What I thought would be helpful, soothing words only seemed to hurt him more for his face dropped lower than it already was.

"I'm an asshole for not trying."

"I'm an asshole, too. I didn't try either." I shrugged, trying so desperately to avoid looking at him through the phone screen.

"You won't even look at me anymore; that's how I know I majorly fucked shit up."

My eyes immediately met his through the screen and I felt my heart shatter the way it did when he told me he had to leave for tour soon.

"Shawn stop." I sighed, rubbing a hand through my hair. "You haven't fucked shit up, okay? You could ask me right now if I would take you back and I'd say yes. Fuck, you could ask me when we're crippling ninety year olds that same question and I wouldn't hesitate to say yes."

"I still love you." He half heartedly smiled through the screen at me. "And you're the only girl that will ever have my heart. I'm gonna come back for you. No matter what happens in life I'll always come back for you."

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