Birthday Bash

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Shawn and I had been best friends for years now

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Shawn and I had been best friends for years now. And today was his 19th birthday and I wanted to plan something nice for his couple days off from touring.

I had offered to come over today and he asked for me to stay the night so he wouldn't wake up on his birthday alone. I made pancakes for breakfast and hidden his birthday presents for tomorrow, although he insisted that I didn't have to buy him anything.

"So, for Shawn's birthday, I was thinking we all go to Ovo Fest in Toronto tonight and maybe tomorrow for his actual birthday we go out clubbing and then have a surprise birthday bash here afterwards? What do you think?" I asked Geoff who was sitting at the opposite end of Shawn's sofa from me.

I made sure to keep my voice quiet in case Shawn came back from the kitchen and we didn't hear him.

"Sounds good. But, how are you gonna get in? You're the only eighteen year old in the group and you don't have Fake I.D."

"Geoff, the fact that you even asked that when I've been clubbing with you guys before is heart breaking." He laughed. "Anyways, I'm the underage agent remember?"

"So that who they're talking about when they mention the underage agent." I nodded and we laughed again. "Anyways, I can sort out the tickets and then have a couple of the guys sort out the house. Maybe you can keep him distracted until in here's ready then you can bring him back?"

"Good idea." I agreed and we quietly silenced each other as the sound of Shawn's footsteps became louder as he walked to the lounge where Geoff and I were sitting.

"Did you two not even utter a word while I was in the kitchen?" Shawn chuckled and threw his legs onto my lap while he stretched out on the rest of the space on the sofa.

"He's not cool enough for me to talk to him." I teased and Geoff scoffed, throwing one of the pillows at my head. "Dude, that was an example of how uncool you actually are."

"Shawn, refrain your woman from insulting me please."

"First of all, she's not my woman yet. And second, she's a free spirit, man. No one can stop her doing anything when she wants to do something."

"True that, bruh."

During the day, Geoff and I were busy asking people to help with the surprise tomorrow tonight and telling everyone what we had planned until it was eventually time to head out to Ovo Fest.

"You ready?" Shawn stood behind me in the full length mirror, his eyes skimming over my outfit, hair and makeup. "Cute."

"Uh," I mumbled, fixing my hair before smoothing out my top. "I am now, yeah."

"Uh, before we go I want to thank you for what you've done today." He stuttered over his words and his cheeks heated up slightly and I smiled up at him.

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