Interview About You

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People would think that having a famous boyfriend would be one of the hardest things ever

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People would think that having a famous boyfriend would be one of the hardest things ever. However, in reality, it was actually fairly easy.

What was really one of the hardest things ever was having a famous boyfriend while being somewhat famous yourself and having both of your schedules clashing almost 24/7.

Today, for example, Shawn and I were both at home. He had the next week off where as I had an interview today and then had the rest of the week off.

"Are you sure your interview is today and not next Monday?" Shawn was laying on the sofa, Frey joggers resting low on his hips and a white tee covering his chest.

He really didn't want me to go anywhere for the next week.

Both of us had very busy schedules and so the time we got to spend together was as sacred as they come. Every waking second (and sleeping second) were spent by each other's side.

Some people think it's rather strange that we're constantly with each other whenever we can be but, when you don't see the person you love most for months on end, spending every day and every second with them is one of the best things that could happen.

"I'm 100% positive that the interview is today, Shawn." I spoke as I stared at the CN Tower (where the interview was taking place) through the large, floor to ceiling windows in the living room of Shawn and I's shared condo.

"Ugh," He groaned over dramatically. "But I don't want you to go."

"Well, you can't always get what you want, hun."

Shawn followed behind me as I walked to our bedroom. Then, he watched me as I gradually done my make-up, helped me to curl my hair and then followed me in to the closet as I looked for an outfit to wear.

"What should I wear?" I asked him as he slid through hanger after hanger, looking at the articles of clothing hanging from them.

"Well, I watch all of your interviews and shows and what-not, obviously, and you usually go for a classy look but keep it comfortable, too. Plus, glittery. You like your glitter."

To say that I was surprised at his observations was an understatement. I didn't know that he watched any of my appearances or even payed that much attention to what sort of style I wear to certain events.

"Do you want to pick an outfit for me?"

"I'd love to." He smiled over his shoulder and sent me a wink, telling me to go sit on the bed and he'll bring clothes out for me to put on.

Within the space of ten minutes, Shawn had retreated from the closet holding a whole outfit, under-garments, heels and jewellery.

The heels were nude along with the under-garments accompanied by a baby blue coloured dress and silver jewellery.

I gotta admit, my man has a good fashion sense.

I got dressed in to my beautiful outfit chosen by Shawn and then he dropped me off and I met my agent in the lobby before heading to wherever the interview was being held.

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