Mother's Day

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Shawn and I had only told our close family members and less than a handful of our friends that we were expecting our own baby Mendes soon

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Shawn and I had only told our close family members and less than a handful of our friends that we were expecting our own baby Mendes soon.

He had wanted to tell the world about it; tell everyone that he had his own rockstar or princess on the way. However, I had begged him to keep it on the down low just for the fact that I wanted to have some privacy when it came to our family and because I wanted our baby to be safe at all times and having he or she in the lime-light would only endanger them more.

It took a days worth of begging and crying and persuading for him to finally understand why I didn't want the world knowing about baby Mendes but, once he understood why, he was persistent that my idea was 100% right.

'The safety of baby Mendes matters more than me wanting to show off my family' Shawn had said.

Currently, we were in our shared bedroom. Shawn was lying in bed, all cuddled up under the sheets looking cozy and snuggly and cute. Meanwhile, I was walking around the room, trying to find my maternity work clothes for the day.

"I think it's horrible that you have to work on Mother's Day. I mean, you're a mom, too. Why can't you have the day off?" Shawn was clearly confused as to why moms didn't get the day off work on Mother's Day.

It was funny seeing him all confused about it.

"Shawn, you don't get the day off just because you're a mom and it's Mother's Day. Dad's don't get days off on Father's Day, either." While explaining I had found my work top and pulled it on over my head.

I was five months pregnant and so the bump was clear as day now. There was definitely no denying that I was expecting.

"I know but I still think it's not fair. You're a pregnant mom, you should be in bed, sleeping or watching TV while I make you food and love you all day every day."

"That sounds so appealing but today is my last day before I go on maternity leave. After today, you can do all that stuff for me for the next couple of months."

"And I cannot Wait." He took a hold of my hand, pulling me down to kiss him before he let me go again.

Somewhere between the time of him letting me go and me finding and pulling on my work trousers, Shawn had taken a picture of me from the side on snapchat, captioning it with;
'Happy moms day, gorgeous. Me and baby Mendes love you❤️'
and sent it to the people who knew of baby Mendes that he had on snapchat.

However, what he didn't realise he had done was clicked on his story and posted it to his millions of fans for them to see and screenshot. Within a matter of seconds, our phones were blowing up with notifications.

"How on earth is this happening? We haven't even been seen outside in months." Shawn had groaned, hearing the constant dinging sound coming from both of our phones. "Fucking hell!"

I was now fully ready for work and so I decided to check my phone to see what all of the commotion was since I had time to spare before I had to leave for my last day.

Upon realising what the afore mentioned commotion is, my heart felt like it plummeted to the tips of my toes.

"Shawn." No reply. "Shawn!"

"What?" He lifted his curly mopped head from the pillows with a frown, making it known to me that he was annoyed with the attention we were receiving after having little to none given to us the past couple months.

"You are so cute but such a fucking idiot at the same time." Shawn's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Clearly he hadn't realised what he had done yet. "Who did you send that Mother's Day snapchat to?"

He sat up straight in the bed, unlocking his phone to read out the names of the people he had sent the adorable photo to.

"Just Aaliyah, Brian, Geoff and-" His eyes widened. "Fuck. I'm such an idiot. Shit! You can't go to work today. I'll call in and explain everything but I cannot let you leave this house right now. No way am I putting my girl and baby Mendes in danger. No fucking way."

Panic set in to my body and Shawn was as quick as lightning to realise that I was panicking.

"Shawn, what do we do? Now everyone knows. Oh god."

"Baby, I am so sorry. I'm so stupid. I didn't even realise I posted it to my story. I'm sorry. I love you and baby Mendes. I didn't mean to d-"

"Oh my god! Now we're both panicking!"

As Shawn and I sat on the bed hyperventilating, Brian and Matt came running in to the house with Geoff to find us after they had saw the commotion on every single social media website.

"Y/N?! Shawn?!" Brian had called out but we couldn't answer.

We couldn't breath never mind answer to our names being called.

"Found them!" Matt had stuck his head through the door to look in our room and caught sight of us in our panicked state. "They're fucking panicking!"

"Hey. You two need to breathe, okay? Just breathe." Geoff had kneeled on the floor beside the bed, helping both Shawn and I to breathe normally again. "Shawn, I'm sorry to say this, but you're an absolute idiot! I mean, it was cute but still!"

"I didn't even think. I didn't even realised I had posted it for everyone to see." Shawn groaned, pulling me in to his chest and cuddling me close to him.

"At least now you don't have to hide it. Like, I know you wanted to keep it a secret but people would find out eventually and plus, you told them in a cute way." Matt had spoke his words smoothly as he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

"That's true. Little Shawny's soft side revealed to the world that he's gonna be a real life daddy and not just Y/N's daddy anymore." Brian had teased the pair which earned two pillows to the face from the couple. "Rude."

"I spoke to Andrew, by the way." When the commotion happened, Geoff was the first to call Andrew so Shawn didn't have to. "He's cool with it, just so you know. He was kinda worried but not about your image or whatever; he was more worried about you two and the baby. He said 'the Mendes family come first, not their image' which is cute coming from little Andy."

"At least he isn't pissed about it. I mean, it was an accident! He couldn't be mad about an accident."

"Baby Mendes was an accident, too." Brian had mumbled but everyone heard him and snapped their heads in his direction. "Fuck. That sounded so harsh. I didn't mean it like that I meant it like baby Mendes was an accident and so was the reveal and they have that in common and... I'm just gonna shut my mouth before I get myself in to any trouble."

"Fucking idiot." A slap to the back of the gingers head from Matt was all the physical abuse he got. Shawn would have contributed but he knew that Brian didn't mean any harm by letting his mouth talk before his brain registered what was happening.

"I'm glad it's out now, though." Y/N's small voice in the quiet room scared all three of the boys since she hadn't spoke since calming down.

"You are?" Shawn was confused to say the least.

"Yeah. I know I said I wanted to keep him or her a secret for their safety but I'm glad people know now. At least we won't have to explain ourselves when people see us walking around with a kid one day."

"So you're okay with it?" He wanted to make sure that his girl was 100% about this new decision.

"Yeah. As long as you and baby Mendes are happy and healthy then I'm okay with anything."

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