Just Hug Me

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Today had been one of the worst days this month

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Today had been one of the worst days this month. Nothing had been going right the whole day and I was slowly but surely starting to crumble.

This morning; I slept through all of my alarms, was late to work, didn't have time for breakfast, had a pile of paper work waiting on my desk for me, spilled coffee down my new work blouse and to top it all off, my heel broke on my rather expensive shoe and I had to settle for a pair of old flats that I had searched high and low for in the lost and found at work.

At lunch; I didn't pack anything to eat at work, my break only lasted fifteen minutes because I had too much work to do, Shawn attempted to call me almost ten times and my pen burst inside my bag and stained almost everything inside of it, too.

In the evening; I finished work half an hour late because I was determined to finish at least half of the paper work and leave the other half for tomorrow, my car wouldn't start when it was time to head home, on the drive home my bag tipped and every ink stained thing inside toppled onto the floor of the car and I got stuck in traffic for almost an hour.

So, to say the least, my day was absolutely shit and I was more than pleased when I walked through the doors to Shawn and I's shared home and stumbled into the bedroom to change into a pair of Nike shorts and one of Shawn's t-shirts before meeting him on the sofa in the lounge.

"Hey Hun." He smiled warmly at the sight of me as I flopped down on the sofa beside him. "How was your day?"

"I don't want to talk about it." I mumbled my response and leaned against his arm. "Just hug me."

He let out a little chuckle at my quiet request and wrapped his arms around me, pulling my body against his as he lay down on the sofa with me cradled in his arms.

"Are you okay?" His soft words, for some reason, set off my water works. I guess he felt the little droplets of water dripping through the thin material of his top since he asked; "Are you crying?"

I just nodded and let out a pathetic whimper. This whole day had been the worst and I guess my emotions were just building up and now that someone had asked if I was okay, every emotion I had built up had broke out.

"Please don't cry. Tell me what's wrong, baby." He turned my body around so I could face him and instead I buried my face into his chest and cried. "I hate when you cry."

My sobs had died down to little sniffles every so often before I spoke to him. "It's such a stupid thing to cry over."

"Tell me what's wrong." He squeezed my arm ever so slightly as a sign of encouragement and I sighed before talking.

"Today has just been one of those days where everything has just gone wrong and I've not felt the best and I just couldn't take it any more and broke down over a fucking question like some wild, crazy person."

"It's okay to have a bad day, Hun. And it's okay to break down every once in a while. I'd rather you came to me when you were like this than sat alone and dealt with it by yourself." He gave me a small, reassuring smile and pulled me closer to him so he could kiss my forehead. "I love you even on your worst days and that's never gonna change."

"I love you, too. So fucking much."

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