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(The photo is Erika and Tessa but let's pretend it's Rei and Tessa)

"Okay, are you sure you're at the right terminal Tessa? Cause there is-"

"Calm down Rei, I think I see you and I'm coming over!"

I Hung the phone up and waited for my best friend, Tessa Brooks, to find me.
Tessa was now a member of the company Team 10 which basically everyone knows about.

I felt arms wrap around my shoulders from behind me and spun around to see the familiar face of my best friend.

"Hey T!"

"Hey Rei!" We did the cheesy fall-on-the-floor hug and got up laughing.

"This is the husband you've heard so much about." Tessa said as she walked over to Chance laughing, and he kissed her on the cheek. I walked over to them and he pulled me into a hug, my head resting on his chest as hey was super tall.

"I guess you guys are all super family oriented." I laughed and they both nodded.

I saw another guy, just a little shorter than Chance, with dark hair and eyes that changed colour in the sun. I had watched everyone's vlogs and I knew who he was, Anthony.

Tessa wrapped an arm around me, "This is Anthony but we call him Tony or Toner."

"Oh god please not Toner." Anthony laughed and pulled me into a welcoming hug.

"I'll call you Tony." I smiled and he smiled back.

Tessa clapped her hands and began to walk towards the entrance, "lets go squad!"

We walked into the parking lot and found the brightly coloured team 10 van, we stuck my luggage in the back which was just a suitcase as I was only visiting.

Tessa walked to the passenger seat and jumped in, Chance got into the drivers seat and I guessed that left me and Tony to fend for ourselves in the back.
I got in and Tony decided to sit next to me so we could talk whilst Tessa and Chance flirted in the front.

"So, your accent is different, where are you from?" Tony asked and he turned his head to face mine.

I pushed my brown hair behind my ears and replied, "Well, I was born in New Zealand but I moved to the US when I was 10."

"Oh cool, cool. I'm just from Ohio."

He smiled and showed his perfectly white teeth and swoon-worthy dimples.

"Aye, Ohio is cool too."

"Maybe not as cool as New Zealand though." He laughed and we continued talking.

As for me, I was the same height as Tessa (5'6), Had the same body type as Tessa, I had long dirty blonde/brown hair and olive skin that made my blue eyes pop. I definitely wasn't as pretty as Tessa, but I was an average person.

"We're here!" Chance yelled and ran over to Tessa's door to open it for her.

We had pulled up to a huge whole house that had at least 20 people standing outside screaming.

Chance opened the boot slowly and grabbed my luggage, insisting I shouldn't carry it. I knew he was just trying to suck up to me as I was Tessa's best friend.

The people, fans I assumed, began to run at us like a horde of zombies. We walked to the door as fast as we could and Tony put his arm around me just to protect me from the crazy fans.

"This is our humble abode." Tessa opened her arms and Chance placed my luggage by the stairs, so we could grab it later.

Tony began to run and I saw a huge trampoline in the kitchen. "I guess where going to the kitchen" Tessa laughed and we walked into the kitchen.

"Okay." Tessa patted the spot next to her on the couch and I sat down. "This is Emilio and Ivan, they're from Spain."

"Hola, mi el nombre estar Rei." That was about all the Spanish I knew.

The boys looked at me and smiled at my cringe attempt to speak Spanish. They were adorable, and just my luck they were as welcoming as the other boys and they got up and hugged me.

"Let's do put your stuff away before everyone else comes back so it doesn't get destroyed." Tessa said, getting off the couch and grabbing my suitcase

We walked up some stairs and into Tessa's bedroom. It was adorable.
"One bed as always?" I asked and laid back on the bed.

"Just like old times." She replied and laid next to me.

Me and Tessa had just began to talk when we heard super loud noises coming from downstairs.

Me and Tessa jumped up, "well that just relaxing while it lasted. Come with me you gotta meet everyone!"

We ran back down the stairs we recently went up, and I was faced with many more people.

"Okay, this is Nick, Kade, Erika, Nathan and Jake." Tessa introduced me to the rest of the gang.

I was greeted with more hugs. "Oh and don't touch Nicks hair." She winked at me.

"Haha, well hi! I'm Rei."

The boys looked me up and down, as boys do. They were just as attractive as I expected, although Kade was looking pretty dang good.

"You sure know how to pick em'!" Kade said and looked at me.

I did a sarcastic spin and we all laughed. Erika walked over to me and Tessa who were now sitting on the couch.

"I think you've caught certain eyes already."

I looked at her and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Nah, they're just getting used to me."

Tessa jumped in, "Only time will tell, but I can already see Kade and Tony scoping you out."

"Hah, they don't even know me yet!"

Tessa rolled her eyes, "you'll soon see."

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