Twenty five

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I rolled my eyes and continued my conversation with Ivan. Tony had been home for three hours and I've ignored him, I'm not in the mood.

"What have I done? Talk to me," he begged.

"I'm really not in the mood Anthony,"

"You never call me Anthony... what did I do?" He sat next to Ivan on his bunk which was close to me since I was sitting next to Ivan.

"Bro, she said she's not in the mood," Ivan stared at him.

"I'm not leaving, she's my girlfriend and I'm not about to loose her over whatever she's mad about!"

"Well guess what Anthony, maybe you already have."

I walked straight out of the boys bedroom and immediately walked into Tessa's room and collapsed on the bed.

"R, what's wrong?" Chance asked, concerned.

Tessa stopped applying her lipgloss and stared at me in the same concerned way Chance was.

"Well obviously Tony is home, and I tried to ignore him but he tried talking to me and he's acting like he's done nothing wrong, and maybe he doesn't know I've seen the photo but damn..."

"Look, I've known Tony long enough to know that even though I said to ignore him- it won't work. You've gotta talk to him R," Chance sat next to me and attempted to comfort me as Tessa finished her makeup.

"I know but I just don't think I can."

"Rei, you can do this. You've got to let him explain himself, maybe the situation isn't as bad as it seems. He's still in idiot don't get me wrong," Tessa sat next to chance.

"Okay," I stood up. "I'm gonna go talk to him."

I thanked the two and walked out of Tessa's room and walked inside the 'ratchets room' as jake likes to call it.

"Um, Anthony we need to talk."

"What? Yeah, yes okay," he stood up quickly and I motioned for us to go downstairs. He attempted to grab my hand but I just swung it away.
I led us to the backyard and we sat down facing the pool.

It was slightly dark now and we could see the LED lights in the pool dancing on the water.

"Are you going to tell me what I did now?" He asked.

"Today I was getting food with Nick."

"And?" He asked.

I continued, "and, Alissa came in. She was with Faze Banks and Faze Adapt. I was ignoring her and she decided to call out to me and she ran over and was being nice to me- which was only because apparently Alex likes me-"

"Alex?" Tony interrupted me.

"Yeah, Faze adapt," I shrugged. "Anyway, and I said she does know I have a boyfriend. Man, I defended you against her but then she showed me this," I held my phone up and showed him the photo.

"So yeah," I looked down.

He was quiet for a moment before speaking again. "I'm sorry."

"That's all you're going to say? That's wild Anthony, I thought you actually loved me. We got married! It may have been for a vlog but I thought it at least meant you cared."

"I never wanted you to find out, especially not like this," he looked down at the water.

"All I want to know is why, and who is in that photo?"

"I wasn't thinking, sometimes when you're under stress and people tell you to do things you act dumb and-"

"Oh so you were sober?" I interrupted him.

"Yes, but I wasn't thinking straight-"

"That's no excuse Anthony, god!" I interrupted him again.

"I'm sorry, Rei."

"Who was it?" I questioned.

"Ayla..." he trailed off.

"As in Logan's assistant?"

"Yes, I'm sorry it was just she was there and-"

I interrupted him yet again, "did you have sex with her?"

He looked down and I knew the answer. "Goodbye Anthony." I brushed off the back of my grey sweatpants and walked inside.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?" Chad walked over once he noticed a few tears managed to escape.

"Nothing, I'm fine," I wiped them away, not wanting to appear weak.

He gave me a sympathetic look, he obviously knew something was up. He wrapped me in a tight hug. Chad was one of the nicest people I knew, and I guess I could tell him.

We sat down in the office and I explained everything to him, including what happened outside.

"Wow, and with Jake's assistant?" His eyes grew wide.

"Yeah, it seems like that," I chewed on the inside of my cheek.

"I'm so sorry, I know you hate sympathy but it really sucks. We all thought you guys would really be okay, and you'd last."

"So did I, I guess you can't trust anyone in LA," I smiled awkwardly.

"Don't let him ruin you. You deserve better girl!" He made his voice a little higher to sound girly.

I giggled, "thank you Chad."

He gave me a sympathetic hug and we parted ways. I walked back upstairs, Jake announced for everyone to come downstairs but Tessa explained the circumstances to him.

Turns out the surprise was he was taking everyone to Disney, I mean it would be kind of funny since ya know, rip his Disney contract, but I wasn't in the mood. Jake allowed me to stay home, I kinda wish I went I could have finished the vlog but it was for the best.

I spent the rest of the night in bed, waiting for everyone to get back. But they decided to stay out later so I ended up falling asleep to the rain before they got home.

Man, what a day.

Authors note ~~
Im sorry I don't update as
Much as I usually do! I'm trying
To focus on school a little more,
I'm still going to try to update at
Least once a day. Hopefully the
Longest I'll go without updating is
3-4 days, which I know is kinda
Trashy, but ya know, school is a
Tiring thing. Also I'm from Australia
So time zones suck too! But I'll update
As much as I can, and in the meantime
You can check out my other stories,
I have an Emilio Martinez one,
A Heath Hussar one, and
A why don't we story :) ❤️

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