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(Before I start I actually want to thank @PanicAtTheWhyDontWe for the idea about What happened to Jack ❤️)

"Fuck." I slowly closed the door and stared at Blake who was just as shocked as I was.

"W-what was that?" He stuttered, tears beginning to fill his eyes.

"Hey, don't worry," I said calmly, I didn't know what else to do so I pulled him into a hug. My head was rested on his chest and I sighed, what was that?

The door knob was being wriggled and we stared at it, waiting for someone to walk out. Eve strode out and placed a small clear vile in her bra and wore a smile that I could only describe as evil on her face.

"Ahem," I coughed and immediately that nasty smile fell.

"Uh-" she nervously looked around, obviously unaware of what to say.

"What the fuck were you doing with Jack?"

"Oh darling, maybe you should hear it from me... you're boyfriend cheated on you," she smiled at me.

Jack would never cheat on anyone.
Blake made him self noticed and Eve automatically became fake.

"Oh Blake!" She wailed dramatically and threw herself at him. He glared at her and pushed her away.

What was in that vile she was holding?

Eve stomped downstairs and I walked back into Jacks bedroom, still confused.

"He looks out of it," Blake pointed out "I think something wrong."

I frowned and brushed a curl from his face. He did look a little off. I shook him and he didn't open his eyes. I gave Blake a panicked look and he checked his pulse, it was normal.
I sighed and pulled my legs to my chest, "I- I think Eve drugged him."

Blake furrowed his brows, "Why would she do that?"

"I have no idea. But you saw that vile she had right?" I questioned. I looked next to his bed and spied a red solo cup filled with some substance, it was vodka but it looked a little murkier than it should, almost as if someone had messed with it.

"Do we take him to the hospital?" I asked, I was completely unaware of what to do.

"Uh yeah I think so."

I nodded and Blake helped me lift Jack up. I was terribly weak and it didn't help that we had to go through the back so we didn't make a fuss.

"Here, hold these," Blake threw me his car keys whilst I climbed in the back so Jack had something to lie on. Blake flashed me a smile and climbed into the front, I gave him the keys and he backed out of the driveway.

"I'm so sorry," I said quietly and brushed Jacks hair softly. He looked peaceful this way, he would be okay it was probably just a rufie, but seeing him like this hurt and knowing a woman I had barely known for three hours did this to him sucked worse.
I texted Daniel to tell him what was going on, but I told him not to stop the party just yet and we'd tell him if they needed to come immediately or not.

A tear slipped down my cheek and Blake gave me a weak smile. "It'll be okay."

"I know, I just don't understand why Eve would do that."

"I don't either, but hey this gives me an excuse to break up with her," he laughed a little, trying to lighten the mood.

"Thank you for this even though you've been only known me for three hours," I laughed a little as Blake did.

"I think we'll be best friends after this."

"I do too," I smiled.

We pulled up at the hospital and walked inside, Blake helping me hold Jack upright. He was still unconscious and that worried me. Immediately doctors came and took him away, leaving me and Blake to sit in the waiting room and stress out.

"I hope he's okay," I said sadly and bit my lip to stop myself from letting any tears out.

"I promise you, he will be," Blake smiled kindly and held out his pinkie. I giggled and placed my pinkie in his.

After an hour a short woman with chocolate skin and the prettiest brown ringlet curls I'd ever seen walked out. She was dressed in the usual doctor get up and called out my name. I rose my head from Blake's shoulder and motioned to her.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Simpson. So mr. Avery had been drugged, it's a typical rufie but we'll need to keep him for two days just to monitor his body and make sure there's no allergic reactions or anything. Now can you explain to me what happened?" She asked in a slightly raspy voice.

"Um, well we we're at a party and my girl- ex girlfriend walked out of his room with a clear vile which we think was the drug. We looked in his room and found a cup of vodka that didn't look normal so we think she did it," Blake explained.

The doctor nodded and wrote something down on her clipboard. "Right... we might need you two to talk to some police tomorrow about this but for tonight visiting hours are over and you two have to go home," she said, trying to be kind.

I shook my head but stood up. "What if he wakes up and I'm not here?" I asked, tilting my head to look at Blake.

"I'll pick you up first thing tomorrow, just text me your address."

I nodded and typed my number into his phone, handing it back to him with a fake smile.

Blake drove me back to the team 10 house, gasping when we arrived as I suppose he knew where we were. I gave him a long hug and moped out of the car.
I placed my phone in my pocket and waved at Blake as he backed out of the driveway. I pushed the door open and collapsed behind the front door.

It was 2am so everyone was asleep and I had to be quiet. I pulled my knees to my chest, placed my head on my knees and wrapped my arm around myself so I was basically a human dice. A few tears fell, I was worried for Jack. He didn't deserve to be drugged and I didn't deserve him, or the boys.

"Ahem," a voice coughed from the bottom of the stairs.

I lifted my head up and saw Tony smiling widely at me. He was in nothing but a pair of black boxers and grey sweats, his hair messed up from sleeping.

"Tony," I whispered and ran straight into his arms, which he accepted immediately.

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