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"Shawn!" I ran straight up to my older brother and he held me in a hug so tonight I couldn't breathe.

"What? How are you here!" I said in complete shock.

"Well, jake here told me you were in Vegas and I have a show here tonight so I thought I'd visit you." He flashed his smile, the smile that millions of fan girls fell in love with.

Shawn Mendes is my older brother, shocking, I know.

[i know Shawn is from
Canada and Rei isn't but
Let's ignore that, also I
Dont know if I said Rei's
Age, but if I did oops. She's
17 going on 18]


I turned around and saw Tessa smiling at Shawn. They were never really as close as me and Tessa, but he treated he like a sister anyway.

"Hey Tess!" He pulled her into a hug and I saw Chance staring at them with jealousy in his eyes.

"Shawn Mendes is your brother?!" Nick yelled out, followed by the Martinez twins who stood in the doorway in shock.

"Hey man." Shawn walked over to the rest of the boys and did that bro hug they all do.

"This is real?" Tony looked down at me, just as shocked as everyone else.

"Yup." I smiled.

I quickly walked over to Jake who had a huge smile plastered to his face. "Thank you so much Jake, really." I pulled him into a hug.

"It's okay, really it's my pleasure." He laughed and zoomed up on Shawn with his vlog camera.

"Thank you again."

I walked over to Shawn who was talking to everyone except Jake and Chance, as they were talking to Jake's camera.

"I miss you." Shawn laughed and messed up my hair.

"I miss you but not that." I poked my tongue at him.

"You never told us this Rei!" Erika said. She was obviously starstruck.

"Well I wanted you guys to like me for me, and not my loser of a brother." I shrugged.

She giggled and tucked her hair behind her ear, "Rei, we adore you." She leant down and whispered in my ear "Your brother is easy on the eyes too." Which caused me to burst out laughing.

"Okay, okay. Rei I think you should have these." Shawn handed me enough tickets for everyone here.

"Holy heck, are these for tonight?" Tessa gasped, inspecting the tickets.

"Yeah, all front row. I won't be able to see you after the show so I want to be as close to you as possible." He smiled.

"Aw Shawn!" Erika and Tessa said in unison.

"I haven't been to one of your concerts since handwritten, I'm so excited. You may be my loser brother, but your talented."

Shawn looked at his phone and furrowed his brows together.

"I'm so sorry, I've gotta go do sound check. I'll see you at the show later, I love you!" He engulfed me in a hug and kissed my forehead before hugging everyone else and walking out the door.

"Whoa." Said Nick who was leaning against the wall.

"Hard to keep your inner fan girl in?" I laughed and helped him stand upright.

"Oh you got that bloody right." He said.

Everyone else was just standing there smiling to themselves.

Sorry this one is short,
But whoaaa, Shawn is her brother?
Didn't expect that. Also if I've said her age before then ignore it, she's 17 going on 18. ❤️

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