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"I said-" He took a breath and his hands sunk further into his pockets.

"You know I like you, do you not like me? Is that why you're with Anthony so much?" He said, his voice sounded shakey and nervous.

I pondered for a moment, I truly did like Tony. I loved the twins but just not like that.

"I love you Ivan it's just-"

"If you love me why are you with him?"

"Because it's a different kind of love, Ivan. I love you like a best friend, or a brother. Maybe in the future, but for now I just can't."

I put my head in my hands, which were now on my knees. What will Ivan say?

"Okay, Rei, I understand. I love you too, I want you to be happy even if it's not with me." Ivan said, pulling my hands away from my face and tilting my head up with his index finger, so I could look at him directly.

"Thank you, Ivan." I flashed a smile and pulled myself off the ground.

"Let's go inside then."

He grabbed my hand, in a friendly way, and lead me inside where everyone was now hanging out in their rooms, or asleep.

"I'm going to Tessa's room, goodnight Ivan."

"Goodnight Rei." He pulled me into another hug and we went our seperate ways.

I pushed Tessa's door open and saw her sitting on the bed editing a video, probably tomorrow's vlog.

I kicked my shoes off and walked to my suitcase to pull out some clothes.

"T, guess what." I said giddily whilst looking through my clothes.


"Anthony asked me on a date."

"What? When? I ship it!" She said with a huge smile on her face, genuinely happy for me.

"Tomorrow night, he won't tell me what he's doing but honestly we could ever just stay here and talk and I'd be happy. He's so sweet." I gushed.

"Oh I'm so excited for you!" She pushed the laptop aside and jumped up to hug me, sitting back down afterwards.

"Let's hope it goes well." I bit my lip.

I grabbed a random hoodie and pair of cotton shorts, along with my towel, and walked into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

I showered and combed my hair so it wouldn't be crazy in the morning as if usually is, and changed into the clothes I had grabbed.

"T I'm excited but what if it doesn't work out?" I said, a tinge of sadness in my voice.

I jumped into the right side of the bed, pulled the covers up, and watched Tessa click the 'done' button on the editor she was using for her vlog. She shut the laptop and looked at me.

"You can't think like that, obviously he likes you, obviously you like him. Plus you're part of team 10 now. This crazy family needs you! And Tony needs you, he's been kinda lonely since me and Chance started dating."

Tessa walked over and turned her lights off so we laid in darkness. We stayed up talking until 2am as we did when we were younger, discussing everything imaginable.

Next morning, 7:30 am

I jolted awake and turned my head to see Tessa had done the same.

"What is that?" I asked, stretching my arms out.

We could hear the loud noise of the boys, and what sounded like a hammer on a wall.

"Jake's probably putting more holes in the wall, guess it's time to get up."

We both rolled our eyes and got out of bed, automatically walking downstairs to examine what all the fuss was. It sounded like a stampede of people stomping, or it was Jake with the hammer, neither or which were good.

"Look who's joining us!" Jake turned his vlog camera towards us and we sleepily waved. He flashed us a smile before he made another hole in the wall that lead into Erika's room.

She was gonna be pissed.

"As you can see, Rei is about to attempt to put her first hole in a wall!" Jake talked to his vlog camera excitedly.

I gripped the heavy sledgehammer and ran to the wall, hitting the wall and my head in the process. I made a small dent on the wall, and a small one on my head.

The boys erupted in laughter. I examined who was around, jake was vlogging, Tessa was getting ready for her turn, Chad was talking to the Martinez twins, and Chanthony were laughing at me.

"Well, that uh- went well." Jake said, failing to hold back a laugh.

I rolled my eyes and handed Tessa the hammer, knowing she'd do just the same. And surprise surprise, she did.

"How's your head?" Tony asked me whilst Jake was being annoying and vlogging us, making sure to capture the small bruise that was now forming on my forehead.

"No complaints yet." I said before I could stop myself, I mentally face palmed.

"OOOOHHHHH!" The boys all yelled and I instantly regretted saying that.

"You a savage!" Emilio laughed along with everyone else.

"Good to know." Anthony smirked and walked away to join the boys, leaving my mouth hanging open, I was slightly shocked.

Tessa walked over, laughing of course "Come on, we've got some errands to run but first, wanna come to the gym with me?"

"Sure T! Let's go get dressed."

We walked into her room and picked our workout clothes, Tessa wearing her usual black tank top and leggings whilst I donned a pair of Grey leggings and a Jerika tank top.

"Let's go, I'm craving a smoothie!" Tessa said over dramatically and pretended to collapse.

We laughed and walked to the gym.
We spent about an hour doing whatever we could until Jake texted us saying we needed to go home so we could film with Erika.

"Yo that was such a lit workout!" Tessa said to her camera and fixed her ponytail.

"My muscles are screaming" I laughed and Tessa panned the camera at me.

"We're going back to the house now to film with Rik, and after that we're gonna run some errands then after that-" Tessa thought for a moment, "Oh yeah! Rei has a hot date." She wiggles her eyebrows at the camera.

"That I do!" I laughed and we walked into the team 10 house.

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