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"Do I look okay?" I asked Tessa nervously as I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a knee length rose-gold dress that had a weird dip at the neck paired with my hair in loose waves and my favourite pair of gold heels.

"You look amazing!" She smiled.

"T, I haven't seen my parents in so long," I mumbled and sat carefully at the edge of her bed.

"Calm down. You get along great with your parents even though that little incident happened. But besides that it's fine."

I nodded my head and was about to speak but for interrupted by Chad knocking on the door. We motioned for him to come in and he had a cheesy smile on his face as always.

"You know if I didn't have a girlfriend I'd say you look hot," he laughed.

"Thanks loser," I laughed.

"You ready to go? Tony's downstairs nervous as hell."

"Yikes, I guess so," I laughed. "Thanks guys," I gave Tessa and Chad a small wave and made my way downstairs to see Tony talking to Megan.

Fans think there's something going on between them and honestly I hope not.  She doesn't tell the truth about anything, not just the bruise.

(I just really don't like Megan tbh)

I put on a smile and walked between the two. "Time to go I think."

Tony gave me a smile and Megan just rolled her eyes. "Let's go," he smiled and looped his arm through mine."

"Bye everyone!" I yelled behind me, earning a grunt from Chance and Nick.

We climbed into the uber and I told the driver the directions. Apparently the restaurant was pretty fancy, and knowing me I'd drop a bunch of food on myself.

"So what are your parents like?" Tony asked suddenly.

"Oh um, well they're great. Really supportive and easy to get along with."

"And your sister?"

I smiled at the thought of Aaliyah. "Well she's the best 13 year old. I miss her a lot, she's a lot like Shawn honestly. She's really smart and really funny, you'll love her."

"Your family sounds so great," he smiled at me.

"Yeah they are," I sighed, going to say something else but we pulled up to the restaurant. I thanked the uber driver and we climbed out. It was pretty big, and looked really expensive.

"Shawn!" I yelled and ran straight into his arms. He was waiting at the door for us, knowing we wouldn't want to walk in alone.

"How have you been kiddo?" He asked and tried to touch my hair, but I slapped his hand.

"I've been uh... great," I smiled. I've always been super close to Shawn, but his music well it never got in the way but it did make him busy de we didn't get to see him a whole lot, plus he was going on tour to Australia and New Zealand soon so I'd see him even less.

"That's nice to hear, Aye Tony!" Shawn laughed and pulled Tony into one of those 'man hug' things boys do.

They talked for a little while before Shawn spoke up. "Ready to go in?"

"Ready as ever I suppose," I sighed. Tony grabbed my hand and we walked inside.

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