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"Okay, so we're gonna do what?" I questioned, sitting on the kitchen counter. I finished eating my strawberries and Jake continued.

"We're gonna marry you and Tony!" He said in a happy voice, pointing his vlog camera at my confused face.

"Uh- like legal or not?"

"Well that's up to you guys." He smirked and turned his vlog camera to face him and turned it off.

"We can just do it for the vlog, if you want." He shrugged.

I thought for a moment, everyone in the house was out at lunch except for me and Jake, so of course he came up with a bad idea.

"So it's gonna be like you and Erika or Tessa and Chance?"

"Yeah, pretty much. We get him to propose and get some great vlog footage." He looked at me, as if begging me to agree.

"Ugh, yes okay." I finally agreed to the video.

I was discussing the idea when everyone flooded through the door with multiple bags of food. I guess Erika went food shopping.

"And here we have the rest of team 10." Jake smiled at the camera and everyone waved.

Tony spotted me sitting on the counter and walked straight over with a smile plastered onto his tanned face. "Hey you." He planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey." I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Okay, okay, okay." Jake pushed us apart and stood between us. "I have an idea."

"Oh no" I laughed.

"What is it?" Tony questioned, jumping onto the counter next to me.

"Come with me." Jake grabbed his arm and dragged Tony into the office, probably to tell him to propose.

I chuckled and walked to the fridge and grabbed my can of Arizona.

"Hey!" Tessa walked around the corner and was suddenly engulfed in a tight hug. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." She pouted.

"We live together T." I laughed.

"I know! But we haven't like properly hung out just us in like a week."

"You're right, were always with the boys."

"Girls night tonight?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Yes! But first we gotta wait for Jake and Tony to come out. Don't tell anyone but Jake's taking us back to Vegas this weekend and he's planning to make some and Tony get married for the vlog."

She silently laughed, "Oh heck, at least it's great click bait. But I'm excited to go back to vegas, let's hope Nick isn't as annoyed with it and Kade isn't as protective."

"We can only wait and see." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, which was a little awkward to do considering we were the exact same height.

"Rei! Come in here!" Jake called from his office. I walked in there with Tessa and saw nick sitting in his office chair with Jake and Tony sitting at Jake's editing table.

"What's up?" I asked, sitting next to Tony. Tessa sat next to me.

"We're going to vegas this weekend-"

"I'm three days?" I interrupted him.

"Yup. And there's also this..." he trailed off.

I saw Tony pull out a package from his pocket, I guess I had to pretend like I didn't know what was going on. It was a watermelon ring pop.

He got down on one knee and jake pulled out his vlog camera and got a good angle, Tessa did the same. "So uh- we've been dating for two days aha, but will you maybe marry me? In two days?" He asked nervously.

"Of course I will." I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. He smiled back and placed the ring pop on my finger.

"It's beautiful." I laughed.

"YOOO #Reithony is real! It's lit bro!" Jake talked to his vlog camera, whilst Tessa put hers in her pocket.

After we had finished getting 'engaged' me and Tessa made our way upstairs, but not before grabbing a bunch of snacks from the kitchen. We dumped the snacks on Tessa's bed and I felt bad for leaving Erika out.

"Yo should we ask Erika to come?" I questioned.

"She's gone to a meeting with Megan, maybe when she comes home."

"Oh, okay." I smiled.

Tessa turned on her laptop and I quickly got changed. I pulled on my chanthony merch and a pair of grey leggings. I pulled my hair into a bun that was probably too messy and walked back into her room.

"Let's get this night started!" I laughed and pulled the comforter over me.

We spent the night making plans for Vegas, laughing at idiots on Instagram, and of course watching movies.

There was a soft knock on the door and Tony poked his head out.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hey." He smiled back.

"Can I borrow Rei for a sec?" He asked Tessa.

"Yeah sure, go." She pushed me off the bed and I walked to the door, where Tony grabbed my hand and pulled me into the hallway.

"I just wanted to say goodnight." He said, still smiling. We we're kinda swaying, hand in hand.

"Well goodnight." I laughed.

"Goodnight baby." He pulled me into a kiss and I kissed back. We stayed like that for a moment until we heard the boys walking up the stairs.

We broke apart and I hugged him one last time before I walked back into Tessa's room.

"Goodnight." I smiled and closed the door.

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