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*A few days later

So no, I didn't end up talking to Tony.
I just couldn't, Jack had literally just broken up with me and I knew if I talked to him he'd convince me to at least give it a go, which I really couldn't bring myself to do.


I ran to the front door immediately, knowing it was Jake, Thomas and Chad back from Texas.

"Oh my god, I missed you all so much!" I said whilst wrapping them all in individual hugs.

The rest of team 10 came running down the stairs and it was one big family reunion.

I smiled at the sight and backed up a little, a little bit of a sad feeling hit me.

I missed Jack.

"You okay?" Tony asked, breaking away from the group.

"Huh? Oh- yeah," I gave a fake smile and walked outside. I sighed and sat cross-legged on the edge of the pool.

"You can talk to me, no matter what goes on between us you'll always be my best friend," he smiled and nudged my shoulder.

I relaxed a little, "I know. But it's just- it's Jack."

"He was a dick for breaking up with you you're-"

"It's not exactly about him breaking up with me Tony," I interrupted.

He furrowed his eyebrows then smirked, looking ready to listen.

"It's just, he broke up with me so suddenly. And after such a big thing happened. I miss him but I also don't, I guess in a way I just miss being friends with him. I-I just think we're better as friends."

"That's understandable," he agreed.

We were silent for a moment until he finally spoke up, "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," I shrugged.

He gave me his signature smile and turned a little so he could face me better instead of having to bend his neck slightly due to his rather tall height.

"Well, you're over Jack now right?"

Oh god, no please don't ask me what I think you're going to ask me.

"Um, I guess so," I shrug, hoping he'll catch the vibe I'm sending out.

"Well I know you're still a little hurt by him, and by me... but would you want to hang out with me? Only if you want because I know you were-"

Fuck it.


He blinked a few times, "Wait really?"


"I don't want you to feel pressured," he frowned.

"I don't," I shrug. "But there is one condition."

"Which would be?"

"Tomorrow I have a dinner with my family, Shane's coming too, and my mom texted me and apparently she expects me to have a date," I said, rolling my eyes.

He smirked at me, "You want me as your date?"

"Shut up," I hit his shoulder lightly. "Only because I don't want to make my mom mad. And no Tony this doesn't mean anything," I winked before quickly walking back inside before he could reply.

What have I done?

Total filler! But I wanted to update x

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