Twenty three

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"So where do we put these?" I huffed and motioned to the mountain of duct tape rolls I was carrying.

"DOESNT MATTER," Jake yelled in pain as Tony ripped a piece of duct tape off his leg and was laughing loudly.

I rolled my eyes at the two boys and opened my arms and let the rolls of duct tape fall into a pile on the ground next to Logan's bed.


I turned around and saw Jake pulling a tall boy with bright blue eyes into one of those weird bro hugs.

(I know jake isn't the biggest
Fan of why don't we, but this
Is a fanfic so imma say they're

"You're not gonna introduce your new friend?" The tall one frowned.

I looked over his shoulder and saw four other boys who had their backs turned to us as they we're talking to Mark.

"This is Rei, my girlfriend," Tony said happily, making the last part sharp so the boys knew not the male any moves, not that they would.

"Well why, I'm Daniel,"

So that's blue eyed boys name, Daniel.

"Hi," he unexpectedly pulled me into a hug earning an annoyed look from Tony as he put strips of duct tape across Logan's wall.

"And this is Corbyn," he pointed to a boy with bleached blonde hair who smiled at me and waved. "This is Jonah," he pointed to a tall boy with hair swept to the side. "This is Zach," Before he could point the boy named 'Zach' ran over and pulled me into a hug.

"Hi I'm Zach, the youngest but the best one," he laughed.

"Well hey, I'm Rei,"

"Okay, okay calm down Zach," Daniel put a hand on his shoulder and I laughed.

"And this is Jack," he motioned to a boy who was the quietest, and had ringlets of caramel and chocolate coloured hair.

"Hi," he gave me a small wave and returned to his conversation with Mark.

I already kinda knew the band from Logan but not super well, but they all seemed like nice people.

"Rei, can you help me tape up this wall?" Jake asked and pointed his vlog camera at me and Daniel.

"#RANIEL," was all Jake yelled out. That caused Tony to look at me and Daniel- who were literally just talking - and walk out of the room.

"Oh jeez, I'm sorry about him. I'll be back in a minute," I said to Daniel.

"BE BACK IN A SEC!" I yelled to make sure Jake heard me. He just shrugged and continued vlogging.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Tony leaning against the counter drinking a glass of water, and he looked kinda mad.

"So," I jumped on the counter next to where he was leaning "Why are you acting like a dick?"

"I'm not acting like a dick."

"You are."

"Am not."

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