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"It's prettier than in pictures," I gasped and stared out the taxi window at the hotel that stood outside.

"I mean, it is Fiji," Tony laughed.
I smiled out the window as the driver parked.

Tony thanked the driver, paid, and grabbed our bags out of the back. Of course I carried mine as I wasn't about to let him carry two.

"Look at that beach!" My jaw dropped as I saw the light coloured sand blending with the unreal coloured blue ocean, lined with beach chairs and people.

"We can head down after we've unpacked, come on," he chuckled. I shrugged my shoulders and followed him inside the lobby.

I was currently regretting my choice of wearing all black.

We walked up to the front desk and I let Tony check us in whilst I sat on the circular couch that took up about half of the lobby.

"Mom I know, yes, I'll be fine! Okay, yes I love you too. Bye."

I heard the conversation and glanced at the obviously distressed girl sitting to my left. She had platinum blonde hair which was messy as she kept running her fingers through it. She also had striking blonde eyes and a nose ring.

I thought for a moment, but fuck it.
"Hey are you okay?" I asked.

She turned and gave me a smile, "Yeah. Just things I guess."

"I understand, just what I'm about to say isn't odd, hi I'm Rei Noelle and I'm 18."

"Alia Arenas, 18," She laughed and shook my hand.

"So now we're introduced, do you wanna talk about it sometime? I'm here for the weekend."

"You know what? I'd love too. Uh I'll give you my number."

I nodded and gave her my phone to add her contact into.
"Done," she handed me my phone.

"Ill text you later, for now it seems my uh- friend, has finished checking us in."

"Seeya then," she gave a small wave as I walked off to see Tony walking towards me with his bags and a new set of room keys.

"427, Whoa were kinda high up," he raised an eyebrow as he examined the keys. I laughed and playfully pushed him towards the elevator.

I pushed the buttons and waited a few seconds for the door to ding open on our floor.

"Whoa even the hallway is lush," I touched the walls in excitement.

You could tell the hotel was expensive and decorated really well.

I looked at Anthony who gave me a giddy smile and pushed the door open to our room.

It was huge. And when I say huge I mean it.

The whole room was white, sky blue and gold. There was French doors, a balcony, a fancy kitchen that we probably won't use and the living room was decked out with a bunch of fancy gadgets.

"Holy shit it's so fancy I feel like I can't touch anything!" Tony said.

"I feel the same, but wait, the bathroom and bedroom!"

I ran down the hallway and was not disappointed. The bathroom was almost as big as the whole room. It was marble with a huge jacuzzi bath, some sort of shower but it came down from the roof, complete with the cleanest toilet I'd ever seen and huge windows.

"It's really beautiful here," Tony touched the window and looked out at the beach.

"It is."

We walked into the bedroom, there was only one bed and I was okay with it by now, Tony was always my best friend. (Apart from Tessa of course)
The bedroom had the same theme as the rest of the hotel room, including a balcony and a large bed.

"Let's unpack and head down to the beach?" Tony asked as he learnt against the doorframe.

"Yeah sure, I just gotta text someone first."

"Alright," he smiled and grabbed his swim trunks.

I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and grabbed my phone out. I sent a text to Alia asking if she wanted to meet at the hotel cafe for breakfast tomorrow, to which she responded saying 'Sure(:'

I wasn't sure what to expect from this weekend, but then again being in team 10 you never do.

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