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Liked by whois_rei, Wearethevamps 257,318 others

Newhopeblake; maybe not the best night, but met my new best friend 😊
(Sorry Reece & George)
📸; Whois_rei

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Whois_rei; :)

Anthonytruj; ???

Whois_rei; What? @anthonytruj

"Hey, time to go," Blake said, shaking me lightly to break me from my trance.

"Oh, yeah let's go."

We walked into his car and drove to the hospital in a comfortable silence. I was in no mood for messing around today so I grabbed Blake's arm once we had arrived and immediately began walking to Jacks room.

"Calm down," Blake whispered. He was right, I did need to calm down.

"Think he's okay?" I questioned.

"Only one way to fine out."

He pushed the door open and revealed Jack sleeping peacefully in the single hospital bed, his curls tangled and spilt over his face.
I sat in a chair next to his bed and brushed his cheek with my finger lightly, he looks better than last night.

"I'll be outside if you need me," Blake smiled and walked out of the wooden door.

"I'm so glad you're okay, but I'm really sorry this happened and I wasn't there to stop anything. I don't deserve you Jack," I said, my voice cracking. His grip on my hand tightened and he sighed.

"No, I don't deserve you. I can't believe Eve would do this, but I'm sorry you had to be so worried about me," he said unhappily.

"Jack I-"

He interrupted me, his eyes seemed glassy almost like he was about to cry. He grabbed my hand and sighed, "I love you so much. But Eve won't stop here, and you deserve to be happy. I-I know i don't make you happy and I'm sorry I couldn't be a better man." His lib trembled and I gasped.

"Of course you make me happy, you're the greatest man Jack. How can't you understand that? You're so kind and caring, I love everything about you. If I didn't why would I be here?"

"I'm sorry," he said, a tear slipped down his cheek.

What was he about to do?

"But, since I love you so much I think I have to let you go. For now, I'm so sorry. I love you but I can't."

"Jack what are you saying? You're breaking up with me?" I spoke softly, I couldn't be mad at him.

"I have to."

"I-i," I had no idea what to say. "I'm gonna go," I said and pulled my hand from his grip, not looking back at him.

I told Blake to watch Jack and I'd uber home to grab some things, but I knew I wouldn't be back for a while.
The uber driver pulled up the the house and I sulked inside, forgetting everyone was out at some random music festival. Jake had asked me to go, but at this moment I couldn't.

I walked up the stairs and quickly checked nobody was home, I was right. I flopped on my bed and stared at the collage of photos Tessa had on her wall, so many memories, even some of Shawn. I guess seeing him soon will be fun, even if it's with my family.

I don't know what came over me, but I gave in and started crying. I bit my lip to stop being so loud and pulled my white comforter over my head. I can't believe Jack would do that?

I felt a weight next to me and I pushed the blanket off my head slowly.


"Hey- oh, what wrong?" He asked concerned.

"Jack broke up with me."

"Oh god," he furrowed his brows and wiped my tears with his finger. "I'm sorry. It's gonna be okay," he said in a soothing voice and pulled me into a tight hug which ended up turning into us sleeping for the next hour because Tony said I'd feel better.

I guess I did.

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