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"Yeah man that's not cool!"

I awoke to what sounded like Chance and Anthony arguing with Jake about something. I turned around and saw Tessa want in bed, I guess she was awake.

I was just about to get up when Tessa's door burst open, revealing all the boys, followed by Erika.

"Here's your official team 10 welcome!" Jake pointed his camera at me and I saw the boys creep up on me and I immediately stood up.

"Not today satan!" I ducked under Chances arm and bolted down the stairs and hid under the trampoline.

"Come out, come out wherever you are!"

Shit, they found me. I locked eyes with Ivan and he ran at me which resulted in me slipping out from under the trampoline.

"Stop running" Ivan said in his thick Spanish accent which was totally swoon worthy.

"Neve-" I was grabbed by Chance, Anthony and Emilio whilst Jake filmed it and Ivan laughed.

"Okay that's enough boys."

Chance looked at Anthony and they laughed and began walking me towards the back door, which was... fuck. They were going to throw me in the pool.

"Don't you dare!" I screamed and tried to wrestle the boys which ended up with me being thrown over Tony's shoulder. "Frick."

Tony and chance swung me over the pool and I could see Jake and Erika filming whilst the twins were laughing uncontrollably. "You guys suck!" I said as they let go of me and I fell into the cold water.

I swam up to the surface and pushed my hair out of my face, I could see the twins still laughing and I had an idea.

"Hey Martinez! Come help me out."


Emilio and Ivan walked over to me and I grabbed both of their hands, just as they thought I was coming up I winked at Jake who turned the camera towards us and I pulled the twins into the pool with me.

"What that for?" Emilio pushed his hair back, I laughed inside at his cute attempts at English.

"I saw you guys laughing, plus it's great clickbait!"

Tony laughed, "I like her, can we keep her?"

Jake looked at me and raised an eyebrow, "We just might."

I laughed and looked at the twins who were pushing each other under the water and arguing in Spanish.

"Ay, let's get out of the pool. It's cold."
I pushed myself up and out of the pool and was left standing in my now wet velvet shorts and baggy cropped white shirt. You could see my bra so that was just lovely, but whatever. I saw the twins follow me inside but we soon separated as we needed to shower and get changed.

I showered and dried off, I threw on my loose Tessa Brooks shirt and a pair of ripped black jeans, along with my black and white nikes.

I was walking down the stairs when I heard the door open downstairs. "I'm backkk!" I could tell it was Tessa.

"Hey T! Who's your friends?" I asked and gave her a hug noticing two boys beside her. She pointed to the tall brunette, "Tristan." She then pointed to the blonde one, "Alex."

"Oh hey, I'm Rei." I have them a cheesy smile, and like everyone else, they hugged me.

I let Tessa talk to Jake, as he was leaving for set, and I sat between Tony and the twins on the couch. I was already so comfortable with these guys, they're as great as Tessa told me.

New member // Anthony Trujillo (completed)Where stories live. Discover now