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"Hola chica, it's time to wake up."

I opened my eyes and saw Ivan's smiling face staring at me. He had bed hair and his voice was a little deeper and raspier than usual due to it being so early.

"What time is it?" I asked and sat up, noticing I wasn't in Tessa's room.
"Also who did I sleep with?"

"Uh, its 4:30 am and you sleep with me, that okay? We did not want to wake you." He looked concerned.

"No it's fine, but why am I up this early Ivan?"

"I wanna show you something, come."

He reached out his hand and I stood up and grabbed it. Everyone else was asleep and I didn't want to wake them so I tiptoed. Ivan grabbed his duvet for some reason and just as I closed the door I saw Anthony stare at me and gave me an almost, well, jealous look. It was early he was probably confused.

We walked downstairs and Ivan lead me outside. We sat on the ground a little far away from the pool and I looked up at him, "why are we out here"

"I wanted to show you the sunrise, it's very beautiful."

"Oh, okay well thank you Ivan." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

He grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around us as it was super cold even though we were in LA. The sky was still dark but I could see some orange poking through the clouds. I barely knew Ivan, but I knew he was just doing this to be nice so I didn't think much of it.

I rested my head on Ivan's shoulder and he continued looking at the sky breaking through the clouds.

"Let's take a photo?" Ivan looked down at me.


Ivan snapped some photos of the sunset and some of us.

"#RIVAN IS REAL!" The bonding moment between me and Ivan was ruined by Jake vlogging as he always does.

"Jake! What are you doing?" Ivan stared at him and he looked slightly mad.

Jake winked "I could ask you two the same thing."

"Ivan was just being a great friend and showing me the sunrise." I piped up.

Jake turned his vlog camera to face him, "Oh yeah I'm sure that's what happened."

"Bye Jake!" Ivan rolled his eyes and waved at Jake to leave.

"I see I'm not wanted here." Jake walked back inside and started making out with Erika as always.

Ivan picked up his duvet and we walked inside."That was very sweet Ivan, thank you."

"It's okay, Jake ruined it."

"Well I guess we had to come inside sometime" I shrugged

(Side note, for the Spanish I'm using google translate which I know is usually super wrong so I'm sorry!)

"I guess so..." he trailed off and we reached his room. I hugged him and he mumbled something when I walked away which I could just make out.

"Eres hermosa también tienes un culo gordo." He walked inside his room laughing and I decided to ask him about it later. I walked into Tessa's room and collapsed next to her and almost immediately fell back to sleep.

Anthony's POV:

I'd known about Rei for longer than she thought. I found her on Instagrams featured page a few months ago, as she was quite popular on Instagram. It's hard to have a crush on someone without knowing them and I know I barely know her but seeing her leave with Ivan put a dent in me.

If I wanted her I had to get her somehow. But why would she ever choose me over Ivan Martinez? He's every girls definition of perfect.

(Bit of a filler chapter)

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