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"Oh hey, I was wondering if I'd see you again tonight."

I looked up from my spot on the couch and was greeted by Blake giving me a warm smile.

"Aha yeah, I was just outside talking to Jonah and couldn't find Jack," I shrugged.

"Makes sense," he laughed and plopped down on the couch next to me.

"So how's your night go-"

"Oh shit!" I burst into laughter, interrupting Blake.

"Oh that's bound to hurt," he tried to contain his laughter. Zach had tried to be smooth and ended up face planting the floor, yikes.

"I should probably to check on him," I said between fits of laughter.

"You probably should," Blake agreed.

I walked over to where Zach was now sitting on a stool with a little pack of ice held just above his eyebrow.

"You okay there Zachy? How was your trip?" I teased.

He rolled his eyes, but I caught a little smile. "Splendid."

"No but really, you okay?"

"Yeah." He gave me a reassuring smile and I pulled him into a hug just to be a nice friend.

"Hey, where Jack?" I questioned. Zach shrugged, maybe he had amnesia suddenly?

"Alright, I'll talk to you later Zachy," I smiled and walked back over to the couch where Blake seemed very interested in something on his phone.

"Are you, reading fanfiction?" I laughed, but not too loud.

He shot me look and his jaw dropped. He quickly put his phone in his pocket and gave a nervous laugh. "Me? What no, uh I was on twitter..."

"Yeah, sure," I said sarcastically and patted his shoulder.

He gave a small smile and we both burst into laughter.

"So is Zach okay?"

"Yeah, probably gonna get a bit of a bump on his head, poor soul."

"What about Jack, have you found him yet?"

"No, not yet. He's probably just mingling with people as always," I shrugged.

"Ah, makes sense. I can't seem to find Eve either. Knowing her she's probably drunk too much wine and fell asleep in the bath tub or something."

I cocked an eyebrow and shifted on the couch a little so I faced Blake instead on being next to him. "So what's with you and Eve anyway?"

He bit his lip nervously and ran his fingers through his dark hair. "I don't know. We're together, but we're not if you get what I mean?"

"Yeah I understand. She seems lovely..."

"You don't have to lie Rei," he laughed, "She is kind of horrible but sometimes she's so great you forget about the other bits."

"Why don't we go find her and Jack, eh?" I smiled.

Blake nodded and helped me off the couch since i wasn't trying to flash anyone anything in this damn dress.

Note to self: don't let Tessa dress me in tiny sparkly dresses.

"Maybe we should check the bathroom since you said she could 'be passed out in the bath,' I said, putting air quotes around saying she was passed out.

"Maybe so, where is it?"

"I'll show you," I shrugged.

We pushed past a lot of people to get to one of the bathrooms.


"Oh hey Logan," I smiled and was immediately wrapped in a bone crushing hug by the muscular blonde man.

"What are you two doing?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow and me and Blake, although Blake had his hand on the bathroom door. I'll admit it looked a little suspicious.

"Trying to find Jack and Eve, according to Blake here," I pointed to the tall boy who gave a shy smile. "Eve sometimes passes out in bath tubs."

"Oh, okay well if I see Jack I'll give him a shout."

"Thanks," I smiled and waved at Logan as he walked back into the party.

I flicked on the light switch and saw an empty bathroom. "Huh," I clicked my tongue. "She's not here I guess."

"I guess so," Blake shrugged. I turned the light off and we decided to check outside, but yet again we had no luck. We checked the kitchen.

No luck!

"Oh wait, I know maybe Jacks asleep? The dude loves to sleep," I said and bolted up the stairs.

Blake trailed behind me and I opened a door, nothing but two empty beds.

I sighed and opened the next door, this one was occupied.

"Oh thank god," I smiled and walked over to Jack who was currently curled up in a ball asleep.
I brushed a curl out of his face and pulled a blanket over him before kissing his forehead and leaving the room to go find Eve with Blake.

"Jesus, I give up. If she wants to come back she will," Blake said in an annoyed tone.

"Oh shit, I left my phone in Jacks room! Come on let's go get it quickly."

We walked up the stairs and back to the room we were recently in. I opened the door and spied my gold phone right next to Jack's golden and brown curls.

Funny, I don't remember Eve being in here?

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