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(Let me remind everyone, this is a fanfiction meaning it's gonna have parts that aren't true or altered; for example in this chapter the Martinez twins & Jake are on good terms. And please bare in mind I have my own opinion on things 💛)


The entire family was here -including Shawn, Blake, the twins, Logan, hell even the Why Dont We Boy's- this was the best thing ever.

I clapped my hands to my mouth and had an overwhelming feeling of happiness, the whole gang hadn't been together in so long. They were sat at a huge table- I mean it had to fit over 21 people- talking and looking at me and Tony.

"Tony," I turned and faced him. He stood there with a huge grin on his face and a look of satisfaction. "What? How? Why is everyone here?"

"Well," he took my hand. "I know how you've been feeling lately so I decided to get everyone together and I thought a vacation would be good."

"But everyone was so busy, how did you manage this?"

"I have my ways," he winked and grabbed my hand, leading me to the table. Everyone looked at us and it was the first time in a while I had felt fully complete, looking at everyone getting along and being together. I sat between Tessa and Tony and shot Jake a wink as I knew he was feeling the same way.

"T!" She gave me a side smile and raised her eyebrow at me, "have I lost the bet yet?"

"Ha, yeah no you haven't and you won't."

"What bet?" Emilio said in perfect English. He was getting so good and I was so proud of him and Ivan.

"Oh nothing e," I laughed nervously and elbowed tessa.

Everyone laughed and the waiter came over to the table. It took a while for everyone to order but once to had and the waiter returned to the kitchen I could see Blake smiling at me.

"What?" I leant forward a little so we could hear each other better.

"Your boyfriend is a really great guy, he paid for all of this and sorted all of this out," he smiled.

"Oh he's not my boyfriend."

Blake knitted his eyebrows together then smirked, "Not yet anyway. But really I'm glad he did, you're friends are all great and it's nice to see you again."

"It's nice to see you again too loser," I chuckled and leant back in my chair.

I rested my head on my fist and tilted my chin up so I was basically staring at Tony. He really organised all of this.. for me?
He got everyone together to be in such a beautiful place for a while and I know this will bring everyone back together. He's so sweet and caring, man I love him.

Oh god no.

No no.

Stop it you, you do not love him you're just getting caught up in all the excitement and your emotions. Calm down.

But maybe I do..
What if I do?

(Really just a tiny filler bc I haven't updated in forever. I'm so sorry I'm so busy it's crazy, holidays are soon so expect more updates x )

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