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What have I done? I told Tony I still cared for him- which was true- but a very, very bad idea. I also really liked Jack and wasn't willing to just drop him because Tony wanted me to.

What does a girl do in this situation? I could talk to Tessa, except... oh. She's got her own problems right now with her youtube being hacked and certain videos of Chance leaked. Yeah, not Tessa.

You know what? I'm going to text Chad and Tristan and have lunch with them, as I trust them a lot and I know they'll have good advice.

"Hey Rei, what happened last night?" Tessa questioned, interrupting me texting to boys who have already agreed to lunch.

"Oh nothing," I lied and flashed a smile.

"That's obviously bullshit. Now come on, tell me."

"It was nothing really, just the usual Tony bugging me," I shrugged.

She raised her eyebrow and her face morphed into an expression which showed she knew she was defeated.

"Okay," she sighed and placed the curling wand she was using on the floor. "But you know you can tell me anything."

"I do, thank you T," I smiled and gave her a hug.

Chad told me I was meeting him and Tristan at an indoor trampoline park for their vlogs.

Oh, that reminds me, I should probably vlog this too.

To be honest with you it doesn't take me that long to get ready, especially for a trampoline park. I threw my hair into a high ponytail, pulled on a pair of grey leggings, made 100% sure I had a sports bra on because girl struggles, and I had promised Chad I'd wear his merch so I had one of his shirts on too.

"Where are you going?" Tony questioned, stopping me as I was walking out the front door.

"Out," I shrugged.


"Why does it matter to you Tony? You're not my dad," I rolled my eyes and pushed past him, sounding harsher than meant to.

"You know why," he narrowed his eyes and bent down a little "can you just tell me who?" His expression softened a little.

"Chad and Tristan, goodbye."

I walked out the door and climbed into the uber that was waiting on the street. I felt bad for ignoring the fans but there are just so many, besides I find it a little weird that fans find it okay to just show up at people's houses.


"Look who's got his shirt off yet again," I laughed to my camera, acknowledging the fact Tristan was literally never seen with a shirt on.

"Hey man, who wouldn't with these guns," he raised his hands as if in surrender.

"Oh you vain man- CHAD!" I squealed and ran over to one of my favourite members of team 10 and engulfed him in a tight hug.

"Oh my ship, #Rad," Tristan was vlogging us whilst being a sarcastic fan girl.

"Click bait, right?" I raised my eyebrow.

That caused the two boys to laugh. We walked over to a part where it's all trampolines that surround a foam pit, honestly it would surprise me if I didn't get lost in here it's like 10 ft deep!

"Tristan I swear, if you even dare!" I yelled, reaching as hard as I could for my phone.

"It's going in the pit," he shrugged and scrunched up his face.

"This is quality content," Chad laughed, earning a scowl from me.

Tristan was quite tall so I was finding it difficult to reach my phone, it's not because I'm a midget, I'm normal height. Same as Tessa, 5'6. But I felt like a child right now as I just reached his shoulder.

"If you don't give it back I'll kiss your mom!" I yelled.

"You wouldn't dare," he was fake shocked.

"Would too."

"Would not."

"Would too."

"Would not.

"Would too-"

"Calm down children," Chad said, holding his stomach he was laughing so hard.

Tristan dropped my phone in my hand. I smiled in satisfaction and picked up my camera that was currently lying on the ground.

"That everyone, is Tristan Tales exposed," I smiled to my camera.


"Hiss hiss," I said being overly sarcastic.

"Hey guys, I need to tell you something," I said.


I explained everything to them, and they looked just as confused as I was.

"So are you going to get back with him?" Chad questioned.

"No, I mean, I don't know Chad. I really like Jack."

"Whatever you do, we're here for you," Tristan said, a smile plastered to his tan face.

"Thank you."

I stood up and hugged the two boys. They were such great people, they deserve the world.

After another half hour we were absolutely energy-less. Tristan volunteered to drive me home as Chad had a meeting to attend.

Thank god for my two best friends.

(A bit of a filler as you can see,
Q: does anyone here like New hope club? I'm considering starting a Blake fanfiction, even though I already have 5 fanfics that have a nonexistent uploading schedule. )

Also I'm going to start doing songs
Of the chapter, basically just my favourite songs that have nothing to do with the chapter but just songs that you should definitely listen to.

Song of the chapter;
Water - New hope club
Friend of a friend - new hope club
Gorgeous - Mansionz

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