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"Anthony Trujillo! I swear, you literally better not!" I yelled and stared at him

He gave me a smirk and walked slowly over to me "I wouldn't do anything to you,"

"Really?" I said in a fake sweet voice. I touched his chest and without warning I pushed him into the cold waves. "Cause I would."

I heard a few chuckles from people on the beach and smirked to myself before diving under the waves.

It was peaceful during those few seconds I was under the water. Sure, Tony may have though I was drowning, but it's the only peace I'd gotten in a while. The water wasn't warm but it wasn't cold, it was the type of temperature that made you comfortable.

Things have been so different lately. Jakes moving team 10 to another house, Chance is with his new girlfriend, everyone's distant. And the worst of all, we're not sure if Emilio and Ivan will even be allowed back in the United States and that's terrifying. I miss them.

I shook off all my thoughts and rose to the surface of the water.

"Now my hairs wet," Tony pouted.

"Don't worry princess," I laughed, "you look fine."

He bit his lip to hold back a laugh and a light dust of pink appeared across his cheeks. "We should head back in. It's getting late."

"What time is it?" I asked, pushing my wet hair out of my face.

"6:30, seems like we've been here for a few hours."

"Yikes. Okay then Toner," He cringes when I said Toner, but I just chuckled. "Let's go get changed and head out to dinner?"

"Sounds good. Let's go then I'm freezing," he said as he stood up and the air hit his half naked body.

I laughed at him, thinking he was probably exaggerating. I stood up and immediately ran into the sand and wrapped myself in my towel.

The one time I regret wearing a bikini to the beach.

"Told you," he smirked. He reached down and wrapped himself in his towel before draping an arm around my shoulder.

We walked back into the hotel and went straight up to our room. I have no time to become an ice cube.

I mean, it's Fiji and it probably is warm but being in that ocean made the air feel like frozen shards of ice slapping you.

I let Tony shower first as I knew I'd probably take a little longer than him.
Eventually he walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist and smirked before handing me one and pointing to his eyes.

"My eyes are up here."

"I know, I was just looking at your sunburn," I smirked back and walked into the bathroom.


I walked out of the bathroom already dressed in a tight fitting maroon velvet dress that stopped at my knees. My hair was down in the light curls the beach waves had provided whilst my makeup was light bit armed like I'd put effort in due to the red lipstick id put on.

Life hack kids.

"Hey the restaurant- oh wow," Tony turned around and his mouth hung open.

"What?" I smiled.

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you Tony, you look handsome," I eyed him. He was in Black jeans paired with a white button down and of course some expensive pair of shoes.

"Let me just grab my shoes and we can go?"

He nodded and I walked to my suitcase and pulled out my plain black heels. I slipped them on and walked over to Tony, linking our arms.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah. Let's go I'm starving."

He chuckled and we walked out of the room. We walked into the elevator and Tony managed to find the second floor button and pressed it.

You know your man- wait what? He's not my man.
You know your man-friend is tall when you're 5'6, wearing heels, and your head just brushes his chin.

The elevator doors opened and I stood there in shock before tears welled up in my eyes.

This holiday just got 100x better.

I'm so sorry It's been like two weeks since I've updated.
I just have so many books plus I'm nearing the end of year 10 which means I have like two months of holidays soon so I'll be able to update more.

But that also means I'll be in year 11 next year which is really important and I do plan on making a sequel for this book once it's done, but the updates just might not be consistent.

Thank you for 135k reads, that's insane. Thank you for all the support and I promise I'll try to update more.

As for the new characters I'm adding from the competition, don't worry you'll all be added. (The last chapter, 42 was dedicated to @PanicAtTheWhyDontWe I forgot to say ❤️)

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