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"Shawn, talk slower I can't understand you," I said calmly whilst tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Okay, okay," my brother replied. "So, I'm in LA in two days and I want you to meet up with me, mom, Dad and Aaliyah for dinner."

"You know I hate family dinners," I whined.

I shuffled over on my bed and Jack shot me a sympathetic look from his spot next to me.

"Can I bring Jack?" I smirked.

"Yeah, sure but make sure you do actually come this time. I'll text you the details."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Okay I have to go, last concert for a week ya know."

"Go have fun, I love you Shawn!"

"I love you too."

I ended the call and collapsed on my bed next to Jack, who was shooting me an annoyed look.

"What?" I smiled.

"Family dinners? Man I suck at them!" He said obviously stressed.

"Don't worry, my family are great. Most of the time."

"That makes me feel better," he laughed.

I shrugged and sat up as someone knocked on the door.

"Hey Tessa can I- oh."

Tony walked in and saw me sitting between Jacks legs and immediately it became very awkward.

"Oh hey," he said whilst scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Hey," Jack smiled.

"Hi," I squeaked, remembering what I said last night.

"I'm just gonna," Tony began and grabbed a phone charger.

"Okay." Jack said, still smiling.

Honestly Jack had such a beautiful smile and personality, this is why I couldn't face hurting him- ever.

"Bye," Tony mumbled and walked out of the room.

Jack glanced down at me and raised an eyebrow, "What was that about?"

I shrugged, "No idea."

"Hey do you want to go shopping with me? I need vlog footage," I asked and pointed to my camera that was sitting next to my bed.

His smile fell a little. "You know I do but unfortunately I have a meeting with the boys."

"That's okay," I smiled at him.

"Actually Daniels just told me I kinda have to leave now. But do you want to stay over at mine tonight? Jonah's planned some party and I don't want any desperate LA girls on me."

I giggled and nodded my head. "Of course, what time?"

He stood up and placed his phone in the back pocket of his black jeans. "9? I'll text you soon, I have to go." He pulled me into a quick kiss and I walked down stairs. We said our goodbyes and he left to the meeting.

What would I do now?

I sighed and dragged myself outside so I could sit next to the pool- which was still dirty from chad jumping in it whilst covered in shaving cream.

I still love Tony. I know thats wrong but I do.

I also love Jack. He's such a kind person and I'm lucky to have him.

But in the end I know it's so wrong to have feelings so strong for two boys, and I know I have to pick or I'd loose them both. Oh if Jack ever found out he'd be heartbroken... that's the worst thing that could happen. He doesn't deserve that.


I looked over my shoulder and saw a concerned Chance standing in the doorway.

"Oh hey," I said quietly and flicked the murky pool water with my toe.

He furrowed his eyebrows and walked over to me, sitting himself down beside me.

"I know people hate being asked this, but are you okay?"

Chance was genuinely concerned, and I know him and Tessa broke up and i should be the best friend that resented him. But I just couldn't.

"In some ways I'm great, in others... not so much," I sighed and glanced at the door to make sure nobody was there.

"Any particular reason for the not so great part?"

"Oh Chance, I know I'm being over dramatic but I'll tell you what happened," I bit my lip nervously. Anthony was his best friend, but I knew Chance gave the best advice. "So basically, as you may remember me and Tony broke up-"

"I definitely remember that."

I shot him a small smile and continued. "Yeah, well it was tough for me to comprehend what was happening at the time and to be completely honest I never stopped loving hi, but I did get over him. Now I'm with Jack and he's amazing, the best boyfriend I could ever ask for..."

"But- he's not Tony?" Chance said, it came out as more of a question.

"I guess so," I sighed.

Chance gave me a sympathetic look, I know he knew this was complicated but he also knew I had to be rational and take other people's feelings into consideration.

"So what are you gonna do?" He breathed after a moment.

I stared at the murky water and thought for a moment. "I'm not sure Chance, I'm really not."

"Take the time you need, just make sure it's not too long."

"I just don't want to hurt either of them," I said, my voice cracking a little.

I know this is dramatic but as much as it's hard to admit, I love both boys so much and the thought of hurting either of them broke my heart.

"I understand, it's okay." He smiled warmly and pulled me into a hug.

We sat and talked for a little longer, eventually parting ways when I went back upstairs to think for a while and eventually get ready for tonight.

I think I had made my decision, and I just hoped it was the right one.

(Some lit songs you should
Listen to
Reasons - Khalid
•Make-up - New Hope Club
•Take me Home - Midnight Red
•liar - Jack Avery )

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