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The inside of the restaurant was nice. Nice enough to distract me from the awkward conversation that Shawn was currently having with my dad.

"Rei?" Aaliyah nudged my side.


"You totally zoned out."

"Oh yeah," I laughed nervously.

"Just because you left to LA with basically no warning doesn't mean they don't love you. You know they love you."

"Aaliyah-" I sighed, "You're right."
She smiled in satisfaction and continued to eat her pasta.

"S-so Mom, sell any houses lately?" I asked. I nervously took a sip of the soda that was in a glass in front of me.

She smiled at me, "I've had a couple of sales lately. Business is actually doing quite well at this time of the year."

"You're a real estate agent?" Tony questioned.

"Yes," she smiled.

"That must be cool, getting to see a whole bunch of different houses all the time."

"It's not always the most exciting job, but I enjoy it," she laughed a little.

I glanced at Shawn and Aaliyah who had their heads in their phones and were eating quite messily as per usual.

"What about you Dad?" I asked.

He bit into a piece of steak, "Business is going well too. Paying the bills," he shrugged.

Uh, okay. Really welcoming Dad.

"Hey can we get dessert?" Aaliyah asked.

"I second that!" Shawn agreed.

"I third that?" Tony laughed, asking it as more of a question.

"Then I fourth that," I laughed with him. Apparently we don't know maths.

"Dessert it is," my dad smiled and signalled a waiter. To be honest with you dinner was going amazingly and I never expected it to go like this, my parents were not the happiest that I just up and left but it's something I had to do, I was sick of the same scenery every single day

"Having fun?" Tony asked in a soothing voice.

"Actually yeah," I beamed

He smiled back and placed his hand on my thigh to comfort me. Even this boys hands were attractive! Although he had rather large hands so they covered like half my thigh which was kinda funny.

"Dessert?" He asked, grabbing a menu from the waiter.

"I know what I want."

"I do too," he smiled.

I glanced up at the waiter who looked oddly familiar, oh well. "I'll have the Trifle please."

"I'll have the same," Tony agreed.

Mom, Dad, Shawn and Aaliyah ordered and we began talking about Shawn's music and how proud of him we are. Shawn was always the 'golden child' and I was totally okay, our parents didn't really treat him any different but they definitely showed off his achievements the most which does make sense.

"Well I think it's time I have to leave," Shawn said sadly. He stood up and pushed his red leather chair in.

"Yeah is too, it's nearly midnight and this little one," I pointed to Aaliyah and messed up her hair, "needs to go to bed."

"I'm 14! Plus I'm only like two inches shorter than you so I'm not little," she sassed.

"Yeah sure," I laughed.

Tony and Shawn said goodbye to everyone but I was yet to. I hugged Aaliyah, hugged my dad and hugged my mom who kept the hug for a little longer than Aaliyah and Dad. She really missed me, that kind of broke my heart.

We walked outside the restaurant and saw that our Uber's had already arrived. "Bye Shawny," I sighed and wrapped my older brother in a tight hug. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too," he frowned and placed a kiss on my head.

"I love you," he said as he pulled away from the hug to climb into the uber.

"I love you too," I waved at him. The uber door closed signalling me and Tony should get into ours.

"Tonight was something," he laughed and shut the door. He gave the driver institutions and he began driving.

I placed my arm on the window and placed my head on my fist, staring out the window. "Yeah it was. I didn't hate it though."

"I didn't hate it either, I actually really love your parents. Plus Aaliyah is really sweet."

"You know, i'm glad I bought you Tony." I took my arm off the window and turned so I could see him a little more clearly.

"Im glad you bought me too," he smiled. Damn this boys smile could light up an entire room.

But no, stop. You have barely been broken up with Jack for a week. Chill.

It was getting late and I was getting tired, but I knew I wouldn't fall asleep until we reached home. However I still shuffled closer to Tony and placed my head on his white button-down clad shoulder.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"My pleasure princess," he beamed back at me.

I closed my eyes and took a breath, this was okay. This is what friends do, they use each other for comfort sometimes.

But I knew as well as anyone that we couldn't stay just friends.

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